32. So much for true love

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On the morning of her nineteenth birthday, Ursula woke up beside the king of Atlantica. For the first time ever, he had stayed the whole night in her bedchamber.

"I want every morning to begin this way," she drawled as his eyes fluttered open.

He squeezed her with one arm. His gold cuff was cold against her skin in the dark morning water. "We're going to see to that today. But first, a little gift."

She fairly ripped the small square box from Triton's hands. Inside was a pair of earrings: two pale spiral shells, funnel-like, that came to a fine point.

"They are simple, I know, but I thought they'd go well with your nautilus pendant?" he ventured.

Ursula flung her arms around his neck. "I love them! I'll wear them always. Always."

"Don't say that. There's so much more coming." The young sovereign was grinning boyishly.

Ursula imprinted the image on her mind with determination; she knew that any moment a more serious kingly visage would eclipse the carefree face before her.

And just like that, the smile was gone. Triton was solemn again. "Get dressed, my love. Let's go talk to your parents."


It was like a beautiful dream, arriving at Melisande and Dismas' front door on the king's arm. Seeing their delighted, shocked faces as the older couple made sense of what was before them. Entering her girlhood home in slow motion.

Ursula waited quietly as Triton spoke to her guardians in a separate room. Of course they would give their blessing. Laughter and questions and joyful tears followed, along with breakfast and gifts. She'd be wearing Melisande's present at her party tonight: a long, simple gown with a capelet attached that was dripping with embroidery, gems, and shells. Her new earrings from Triton coordinated perfectly.

Everything was perfect, in fact. If only the story could be left here, it would be Ursula and Triton's happily ever after. But like water, time flows ever onward. And it was time to go talk to Galataye.


They entered the queen mother's sitting room quietly, hand in hand. Galataye was engrossed in two scrolls laying before her.

"Triton, where have you been? No one told me the morning meeting was cancelled. We need to discuss these letters I just received from Arctica. Where are Ganeon and Ursula?"

"I'm sorry we kept you waiting," Ursula said softly.

Galataye's head snapped up. As she registered their interlocked hands and hopeful faces, she froze.

"Mother..." Triton began slowly.

The sound of his voice animated her again. "What is this?" she hissed. "What in Poseidon's name do you think you're doing?"

"We've come to tell you—"

Galataye was shaking her head furiously. "No. No. Absolutely not."

"Please let us explain," Ursula broke in quickly.

"Explain what? Oh Triton, I've had moments of concern these past few months but I've always comforted myself with the knowledge that you understand your duty. That you understand propriety. I never thought you could be this foolish! What would your father have said? She's not even our kind!" Galataye moaned as her face collapsed into her hands.

"I told you." Ursula turned to Triton with a trembling chin. He looked at her helplessly, his eyes full of silent apology, then moved to embrace his mother.

"Don't!" she screeched, recoiling. "This is unforgivable! After all Atlantica has been through...and Alphon would have never dared to—"

"Ha! You never knew Alphon, then!" Ursula shrieked back. "Don't you ever compare Triton to that monster!"

Galataye sprang from her seat. "How dare you speak to me like that! I don't care what position you hold at the moment. It's obvious to me that you intend to ruin each one of my sons. You expect me to acquiesce quietly? It ends here, Ursula. Today."

Triton suspended himself between the two, extending his arms to indicate neither should move any closer to the other. "Both of you stop," he commanded.

"She doesn't know, Triton!" Ursula wailed. "She thinks I'm out to ruin her children?! She doesn't know how I saved your life! Even now, she doesn't understand Alphon's depravity. Tell her!"

"I will. Calm down, my dear. Let me speak to her alone. I should have done so from the start."

Ursula wasn't listening. Tears occluded her violet face as she pulled the nautilus from beneath her clothes and cradled it in concentration. Light and sound poured forth.

"Ursula, I owe you everything. I owe you my position and my very life. I love you more than you know, and could never harm you."

There was a pregnant moment as Galataye processed what she had just witnessed. There was such stillness, such quiet. Then time sped up as Galataye's eyes bugged out of their sockets and she charged the High Priestess. Her outstretched hands, normally so elegant and gentle, had become claws intent on destroying the glowing shell and its owner. Triton pulled his mother into a firm hold.

"As your king, I command both of you to STOP! Neither of you are to do or say another thing until I grant you permission!" Triton bellowed. He released his mother, who was shaking violently.

"Come, Ursula. I'll see you to the door." Triton indicated her path to exit with an outstretched arm. She obeyed in silence.

Out in the corridor, she pleaded with her lover. "We must rally support around us. Find Ganeon. He promised to take care of this for us. We need his help."

Triton knitted his brows angrily. "When did you tell Ganeon? I never consented to that."

"I didn't. He guessed, just a couple of days ago, and said to leave Galataye to him."

"Then you find him and send him here. But you stay away for now. I'll come get you when she's calmed down. This is just a shock to her, after so many other shocks—"

"I can't fetch him," Ursula interrupted. "I must leave at once. I've got to show your mother I am your kind. That I choose to be."

Triton clutched Ursula's shoulders and gave her a little shake. "Now is not the time to be rash. Everyone needs to calm down."

"It's not rash when I've been preparing for this day for so long. All those times as a mermaid...they were practice for something I knew I'd have to do to keep you. I knew it from the start, Triton. And I'll do anything to be with you. I'll give up everything if I have to. Everything but you."

Triton watched Ursula tear down the hallway.

She would be keeping her promise to Siddikah—a birthday visit. 

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