Forgive and Forget

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       You ever have those days where you just wake up and feel like "what the fuck am I doing?". Yep, this is definitely one of those days.

       The moon was full as we got out of Alice's car. Planning to meet Jason and Daren inside as we parked next to them. Our heels clicked on the rough street. The sound of doors slamming shut echoed throughout the parking lot. We dressed quite casual for this was a bar and not a night club. And I kept thinking to myself "how do I get into these messes?". Sakura looped her arm with mine, making my green jacket over my white dress stretch.

"This is going to be fun!" Sakura said cheerful. Looping her other arm with Alice, making them both laugh as I could do nothing but roll my eyes. My eyes flashing at the sign above the building.

The words "Note Bar" were written in nylon, it's blue glow falling on us as we headed for the entrance. A big tough male werewolf stood near the door. Wearing a tux as he acted as if he was in the secret service. His job was to keep all the humans out of the bar for this type of Alcohol would most likely kill them. You see it's almost impossible for a werewolf to get drunk, our system doesn't allow it. So we had to make a type of Alcohol that was much stronger, that way we could experience the full wonders of drunkenness. I know what you're thinking, "why would you want to experience this???". Well it's because we want to be human too. We want to enjoy all the experiences humans go through, even the bad ones. We flashed our wolf eyes for the Bouncer. He gave us the simple nod, allowing us access. Sakura squealed once we passed through the doors. A couple was serenading each other on stage. Shit! The Karaoke game had already started.

"Maybe you'll get picked to go up there Serena," Alice smirked. Nudging my arm with her's.

I rolled my eyes, "if I end up there, I'm running out of this club before you can even say Karaoke!" They both laughed at me.

I saw Jason's hand trying to wave us to the table. I started heading over there, smiling as Alice and Sakura were dying from laughter behind me. What am I going to do with these two, hehe.

"I see you finally made it." Jason's said cocky. A smug look on his face, okay we were 30 minutes late! But it was mostly his fault, he gave us the wrong directions.

"No thanks to your directions, you made us go around the whole city!"

"Nuh uh!"

"Uh huh!" We pouted like children. A moment of silence happened before we both started bursting out laughing. Us girls taking our seats as we all began to gossip. It's funny isn't it, we don't like dealing with drama but we love hearing about it. Like talking about how Mrs.Jeremy might be cheated on her husband with Mr.White. Or how Tina and Jina might be half-sisters. But the main story in this week's news was Ky and Rachel.

"Could you imagine the horror of having Rachel as our Luna?? We would be slaves!"

"Don't forget about the constant nagging." Daren said as he leaned back in his chair. His muscles flexing as his arms crossed over his chest. A image that any girl would drool over. But...hearing them talk about Rachel made me realize... that the way I reacted to Ky yesterday... was totally wrong. He wasn't the asshole, I was. I was a stupid girl trying to make something out of nothing. I overreacted, I was stupid, and a total ignorant bitch. We aren't even a couple and yet I freaked out like I was. Wow... talk about bitch 101.

"Having her as Luna would be a b-"

"That's enough." I said. Cutting Jason off mid sentence, making everyone turn and look at me. I was stiff, practically still. I felt like the person who gets into fights every night and everyone thought they were cool and wise. "If she's the Luna, so be it. She might nag, she might be a brat but if she makes Ky happy who fucking cares. If she makes our Alpha's life wonderful, then she is the one. And we will have to protect her with everything we got. Do you understand."

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