Winter Solstice

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(Picture: Serena in her dress)

We've all had this feeling. The feeling that makes you second guess the plan you were so confidently making two nights ago. The feeling of butterflies slowing turning into dragons breathing fire in your stomach. The feeling of nerves slowly crawling up your spine just to mess with your mind.

Yes, the feeling I speak of is "the thought of backing out". This feeling usually has the habit of coming into affect the moment before the big event or plan. Which also means that tonight is the Winter Solstice Ball and I'm totally second guessing this whole "plan A" thing. But let me explain, I wasn't backing out of not doing the plan at all! I was backing out of using Jason. So here I am, all dressed up; hair braided back into a bun, nice designed dress, and make up that made me look like a model; staring into a mirror while I contemplated my best friend's heart. I use Jason: Sakura's heart shatters a little bit more... I don't use Jason: Ky is less likely to kiss me. Ky's Kiss or Sakura's heart? Ky, Sakura, Ky, Sakura, ah fuck! I threw my hands in the air and sighed, my finger tips rubbing my temples. This shouldn't be so hard, fucking feeling.

My phone vibrated on the desk; Alice: gurl we're here! Let's go!

Be right there. I replied before I closed my phone. Slipping it into my thigh holster as I looked at myself one more time. goes nothing.

I didn't waste my time when I got to the car. Alice dressed all in gold while Sakura in red, both of them waiting outside of the car. "I don't think we should use Jason for "Plan A"." I told them my affliction.

"What do you mean? I thought-"

"I'm not backing out of the plan," I cut Alice off. My eyes landing on Sakura, "but I can't do it knowing that one of my best friends will be dying inside."

Sakura's eyes widened and a tsunami of guilt washed her out from under her feet. "Serena...I told you that it...that it was-"

"I know what you said," my hands were on her shoulders. Tears brimming her eyes. "But your heart is screaming the opposite. You are more important to me than some stupid plan."

"S-Serena..." she was thankful. Sobbing as she wiped her eyes carefully, trying not to mess up her mascara. I felt Alice's presence behind me, handing Sakura a handkerchief to compose herself.

"If you're not gonna use Jason, who are you gonna use?" Alice whispered in my ear, allowing Sakura to compose herself.

"Don't worry," I winked; waving my phone between my finger and thumb. "I have a substitute."


"I don't like this," he growled. Eyebrows furrowed like barb wire as hands tensed in pockets.

"I don't care what you like Jason. This was never about me and you." I said stern, dangerously crossing the line labeled "harsh". We stood next to the wine table, sipping a glass of sparkling gold champagne. We watched the crowd as the ball slowly began. A small orchestra playing instrumental versions of every slow song known to man. Little did I know that this charade would be held at the most beautiful white marble castle I had ever seen. Heck, I didn't know that castles still existed and yet here we are!

"Still don't like it."

I rolled my eyes. My glimpse falling upon Sakura as she leaned against the wall. A slight smile played on her lips as her hands tucked behind her hips. Palms against the cool marble. Her eyes held longing as she watched couples danced. Wanting to be twirled and dipped too.

"Do you remember what I told you?" I asked Jason cautiously. Testing the waters as my thumb unconsciously stroke the champagne glass.

"About Sakura?" He replied tense. Even though I wasn't looking at him, I felt the cock of his eyebrow. Holding that skeptical, pissed face.

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