Chapter 3

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Everyone else is asleep except for Bee who is sitting on the couch in our living room. He puts his hands over his face and he groans, followed by a sigh. I was making everyone else feel at home, which I succeeded at. I walk into the living room and I plop down next to Bee. I put my hand on his back, rubbing it gently.
"You ok Bee? I haven't seen you like this in a long time"
"My team doesn't cooperate like Optimus's. Am I doing something wrong? Maybe it's because I don't have a commanding voice"
"Bee, I don't have a commanding voice but everyone still listens to me. Just be you, it's what you're good at. " He smiles and looks at me and I look back.
"Thanks for the pep talk, Nightshade"
"Anytime Bee, we should get some rest because we have some con hunting tomorrow", I get up and I head towards my room. Bee follows me and holds my hand. I get a little warm and fuzzy inside but I block it out. We get to my room and I grab a spare blanket and pillow. I lay on the ground and I get comfortable. Bee lays on my bed and he closes his eyes. I do the same and I let out a peaceful sigh.

"Psst, Nightshade are you awake", Bumblebee whisper yells. I groan and I sit up, looking at him. He seems restless and he has an uneasy smile.
"I can't sleep", he whines.
"I'm coming, momma's coming", I tease as I climb into my bed. I sigh at his warmth and I snuggle against his shoulder. He wraps his arm around my waist and rubs my hip. I yawn and I fall asleep in Bee's arms. Wow today was a fun filled day.

I wake up to me being right in front of Bumblebee's chest. He's still asleep with a smile on his face.
"You're such a derp, Bee", I say quietly. He opens an eye and his smile widens.
"Well at least I'm not childish", he retorts. I didn't know he was awake! Or listening to me!
"You are to, that's why we get along so well"
"Am not"
"Are to!"
"Am not!"
"Are to!!"
"Am not!!!"
"You are or we wouldn't be fighting like sparklings!"
"Why are you yelling?!"
"I don't know!"

We break into laughter and I hug him. Ah, just like old times. Well he can at least talk now since that battle. He plays with my hair. I hear footsteps, laughing, and bickering. Ah scrap! It's those three! Bee must of thought that same thing 'cause we were running all over the place like chickens with their heads chopped off. When I was finished with getting ready, I grabbed some fresh clothes. The bots don't need any 'cause they're usually in bot mode. Strongarm opens the door.
"Morning Lieutenant! We have a long day ahead of us! We should get going soon"
My mother walks by,
"After ya'll have Breakfast."
"And before we do that I should get changed", I say with a smile. I walk into the bathroom. I put on a purple shirt with a black jacket. Then I put on some black jeans and black and purple tennis shoes. I put my hair into a ponytail and I put my hands on my hips and I sigh at myself.

"Another day, another war, another win", I say my family's motto. I walk into the kitchen to see Grimlock scarfing down my mother's cinnamon rolls, Strongarm conversing with Bumblebee and Sideswipe listening to music. I grab a nearby book so I can read it when I get bored or when I have to wait. I sit at the table and my mother takes Grim's plate and starts washing it.
"So Shayla, how is Optimus doing?"
Bumblebee and Strongarm stop talking, Grimlock drops his fork and Sideswipe stops listening to his music.
"Oh, he's in the Prime Realm. The Primes want to train him to see if he is in good shape to still fight. I haven't seen him for some time now but I talk to him on a daily basis, since I am his sparkling after all", I say without stalling.
"Oh well, I'm sure that he is more than capable to still fight"
"Yes but he must be prepared, always, for anything at anytime."

It's been a whole day and we have made no progress on finding that decepticon. We head back to the junkyard, empty handed. I trudge over to a nearby sign and I climb up it. I sit on the top and I look at the sunset.

 I sit on the top and I look at the sunset

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Bumblebee joins me and sits next to me.
"You can't get a view like this on Cybertron", I say, taking in the view.
"I guess, but Cybertron is missing one thing"
"What's that Bee?"
"It's missing you, it's been so dull on Cybertron without you"
"Heh Cybertron is a dull place. That's why I didn't go back with you. I wouldn't ever leave this place, ever"
He looks at me and gives me a little frown.
"Would you come if you were there with me?"
"Depends, do I want to be a street cop instead of reaching my potential of being a naturally born Prime or not"

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