Chapter 7

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Oh no. I probably didn't tell you but Optimus came back and so did Ratchet. I'm only happy about the Optimus part. Anywho, I'm now getting scolded at by Ratchet because I "misplaced" his medical wrench. Because it's such a big deal. Back to the drawing board of "how to make Ratchet like you enough to where he won't get mad at you".
I snap at the medic. Bad move, Night. Before the damn creep could get his servos on me, I jolted towards Optimus and Bee. Thank Primus that my two saviors are in one place. Thinking strategically, I hide behind the two. They both give me confused looks before noticing the angered mech. They both chuckle.

"Now Ratchet, she did spend a lot of time with Bee and his team. I wouldn't expect her to be the cold hearted and behaved Nightshade that she was before."
"Hey! Don't blame it on me, Prime!"
They laugh again. Ratchet sighs, resuming to his work with Fixit.
I smirk staring up at Optimus.
"Hey Sire, has Bee told you about us yet?"
Bee freezes, shaking his helm. My smirk widens.
"I don't recall anything. What is this about?"
"Well you see, me and Bee are...."
"SPARKMATES! Nightshade, you always torture me with that!" He instantly regrets his decision and puts his battle mask on. I giggle. Optimus looked a little off.

"BUMBLEBEE! I TOLD YOU TO NOT COURT MY SPARKLING!" Optimus chases the mech angrily. Well, that did something. Windblade walks up behind me.
"My, I haven't ever seen Optimus that angry before"
I giggle,"only when I'm around."
Late afternoon soon rolls around. Optimus was calm now but obviously seemed to have a grudge against Bee. Russel was watching a movie with Grimlock, Sideswipe, Strongarm, Windblade, Drift, Fixit, and surprisingly, Ratchet. Optimus was trying to get some recharge. Bee and I were as far away from the rest of the team as possible. Well, inside the scrapyard.

I sat in Bee's lap, resting my head on his shoulder plate.
"Why did you tell Optimus?"
"Because, he's my father and your father figure. He had the right to know."
He nods before changing the subject.
"You know, you're kinda cute when you're scared out of your bolts."
"So are you. The adorable battle mask and all"
"Hey! I'm not cute or adorable"
"You're right. You're a big, bad wolf"
I nuzzle his neck. My tail wags. He growls, causing me to giggle.

I'm glad that we hadn't had any con sightings lately. I got to spend more time with this big lug. I say big because he's embarrassed about his build. Moving on, it was a gorgeous night. The stars were out, the moon shining bright, and the temperature is just right. Sometimes, earth was better than Cybertron.
"I see the Aries constellation. It's right above us."
I look up, staring in total awe. I was an Aries according to my natural birth date. It was April 19. When I came to earth, I always got teased about being a spring chick.

Apparently the sight was amazing from Bee's point of view. He was lying on the ground, watching my every move. I look back down at my mech. He smiles, gently touching my thighs. I lean down, pressing my dermas against his. He kisses back, but pulls away.
"You know, we're pretty far into the scrapyard that no bot could hear us."
"Not with my loud voice box"
He shrugs, pulling me down for another kiss.
"I love you Bee"
"I love you more, Night"

As the mech holds me, he grabs my aft for leverage. I cross my legs around his waist.
"Bad wolf", he growls. He reddens a little before he shoves his head into my neck cables. I smile, placing my forepaws onto his faceplate. I place his helm up into my view.
"You miss him don't you?"
I nod. It's been many decades since I was with him. He was my first mate, my first friend, my life. I miss him sincerely, but he's gone. I can't change that even if I wanted to.

"I miss him too"
"He'd be jealous of your lovely, soothing voice"
"Ironhide and I were always close"
I rest my forehead against his. Ironhide said that this is how us Cybertronians show affection. I was new to my form then and he took me under his cannon. He always would apologize whenever I got mad at him. He was very apologetic but only for one reason. I don't like talking about that reason. When he first saw me, he kept to himself, almost pushing me aside. But as determined as I was, I finally hit his weak spot and hard. He trusted me after that and soon got feelings for each other.

It was hard to move on but then Bee came along. He was sweet and the quiet type. Most bots don't understand the age, personality, or color gap. I didn't mind. I fit well with anyone I suppose. They just have to know how to treat me right. Enough about my pathetic backstory. It was sometime later before I noticed that Optimus was a little off. I go over to my sire.
"You ok, sire?"
"Yes Nightshade. Just a bit sore"
I nod before he pulls me into a hug.

As we get a con sighting, Bee doesn't act correctly and splits us up. Strongarm, Grimlock, Bumblebee and I were on one team and the rest on Prime's.
"This wasn't a good idea Bee. We could be outmatched."
He shakes his helm.
"We'll find this con. We'll find him and rip out his spark."
"Lieutenant sir, who is this con?"

I walk into a tree.
"Nightshade? Are you ok?"
Bee looks back at me. I move away from it, bumping into Grimlock in the process. Grimlock laughs.
"She's fine", Grimlock nudges me. I stumble before slapping his snout.
I answer Strongarm's question.
"His name is Windigo. He's what humans call a cannibal. He eats carcasses of dead bots. Including one of Bee's and I's first sparklings. Which is why Bee is out on a murder spree for him."
Bee rolls his optics.
"He deserves it"
I shake my helm.
"I'd like to let Ratchet take him, dissect him while he's still conscious and then saw of his head."

Grimlock and Strongarm gag in disgust. Bee and I chuckle.
"When we have an enemy, we want them dead", I smirk at Bee.
"Or torture them. Remember Swiftblood?! He was so much fun to torture!"
Bee and I look back at Grim and Strongarm.
They shake their helms.
"Sorry guys. On a good topic, when Bee and I were here on earth we actually spent time in the woods. Bee would always freak about seeing a deer or rabbit. The look on his faceplate was always an adorable one."

Bee blushes a little.
"Yeah, but you always thought it was funny when I would get frightened by one. I was young and stupid then."
Strongarm and Grimlock start laughing.
"You still are young. Especially stupid"
"Hey! I'm your leader so watch it!"

Robots in Disguise: The WolfWhere stories live. Discover now