Chapter 5

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"No", we say in unison. I don't like telling people or bots, about my relationships because they usually either start shipping us or disagree and want us to break up. If you even want to call me and Bee a..... "thing". It's hard to impress me and it's even harder for me to get a crush on someone. I'm not saying that I'm stubborn but I do play hard to get.

(I'm at school when I made this chapter so sorry if it's a bad one)
Anyways, Strongarm gives us a confused expression, Grimlock wandering off, and Sideswipe grins at us.
"Sure, there's definitely not any relationship happening between you two at all"
"Lieutenant sir, you have been acting peachy lately", Strongarm says.
I decide that this doesn't involve me so I walk of into Grim's direction. I end up wandering into the forest and I get near a lake. It's a peaceful lake, so I sit on the bank. I look at the fish, swimming without a care in the world.

I hear multiple footsteps and I look off into the distance to see two Decepticons. One is a little attractive and he's deer/buck like. The other one is quite cute and is wolf like, just like me. They seem to be arguing. My tail curls around my body and I mess with my tail. I hear them stop and I sense that the wolf one is looking at me. That wolf looks a lot like my target, Steeljaw. I shake it off and I rest my head onto my knees. The footsteps get louder. Soon enough, they're right behind me.

"Hey! What's a guard dog like you doing here on earth", the deer like one says. I grunt, I got that from Ironhide since he was like my babysitter.
"What my friend Thunderhoof meant to say is, do you have a place to stay", oh this is Steeljaw with that stupid, persuasive, voice of his.
"I'm not a mutt, I have multiple homes including two that are here on earth"  Scrap! I have said too much. I get up, dusting off sand. They just give me a blank stare.
"I should be going", I walk between them. As I walk into the scrapyard I see Bee all red and Sideswipe laughing at him. Grim hits Sideswipe in the helm. Someone tugs my arm and pulls me.

"Hey! What do you think you're..."
"Shush!  They might hear you", Strongarm scorns me.
"Sorry", I yelp, pitifully. I turn in Bee's direction and Grimlock is talking to him with Sideswipe adding in every now and then.  What are they talking about?
"Nightshade, you must be honest to me, are you and lieutenant in a....relationship?"
"Wait what?! No, if you're talking about friendship then yes. But nothing serious", I retort. She shakes her helm.
"Well, that's not what Lieutenant Bumblebee said at all"
I put my paws on the sides of my head.
"What did he say? Never mind, I don't even want to know", I wave her off.
"I'm gonna go and talk to Fixit"
"Ok Miss Prime"

I walk over to Fixit and I sit on a rock.
"Hey Fixit"
"Oh hello smite-light- Nightshade! How was the walk?"
"It was, peaceful"
"Well, you seem down, may I know why  you're down?"
"Yes Fixit. One word, homesick or missing my father"
"I know how you feel, one time..."
"Thanks Fixit for talking to me"
"Oh no problem! I'm always at assistance especially for Primes"
I chuckle and I smile. I look at Bee and he's holding something but he has a nervous look. His servo is on the back of his helm. He turns to my direction and smiles at me. I wave and smile at him. He turns to Grimlock and Sideswipe.

Fixit pushes on my back with all his might. I turn and I look at him, confused.
"Ok Fixit, I'll go"
I get up and I walk over to Bee. Strongarm and Sideswipe stand next to each other. Sideswipe notices me and pushes Bumblebee in my direction. He touches my nose and I pull my head back, stunned a little. My paws are up to my chest and I look at him.
"It's fine Bee, it just surprised me a little"
He smiles at me and I scrunch up my nose, sticking my tongue out. Maybe I do like him more than a teammate or a friend. He's too important in my life for him to be a friend.

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