Chapter 6

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"We'll give you two some space", Strongarm says, walking off.
"Yeah we'll let you two love birds be", Sideswipe says.
"We'll see you later Nightbee", Grim says pushing Sideswipe away from us.
Once they're gone, Bee puts his servo under my chin.
"You're too important to just be a friend", he says, getting closer to me, slowly.
"You're too important to loose" He gets closer to my face.
"You're too important, that I must be with you"

His lips meet mine and my tail wags a little. I pull away just a second later.
"You really need to work on your poetry", I say giggling. He smiles and covers his optics with his servo.
"I do, don't I", I kiss his faceplate and he blushes. I pull his servo from his optics.
"Don't judge me ok, but here's a poem"
"Hit me"
"Scorns are red
Swoops are blue
You're my Bumblebee
And I love you"
"Awww, see you're such a better poet than me"
"That's ok, you make up for it"
"And what is that? Oh... well, in that case, I'll make up for it right now"
He starts nuzzling my neck.
"No, not that silly!"
He stops and gives me a confused look.

"What is it then?"
"You'll find out later and I know what that sounds like and it's not that"
"Scrap! I was really hoping for that but, if you wish"
"You're so dirty!"
"Yeah but you're no better", he says smirking. I cross my arms and he kisses my faceplate. I close an optic and I smirk as he kisses me.
"Well, I have patrol to do. See you later, alligator"
"Bee careful Bee"
"Haha, very funny" He walks off and I sigh. I hear giggling and I turn around to see Sideswipe and Grimlock giggling and Strongarm has a smile on her face.

A couple of hours pass by a Bee finally comes back from patrol. I'm sitting on the dirt, daydreaming. He nears me and sits behind me. He rests his helm on top of my head. I snap out of my daydreaming and I look up. I giggle and I fall backwards. I land in his lap and he leans over me. He smiles, taking a hold of one of my paws. He kisses me and my tail wags, making a thump thump sound on the dirt.
"You're so beautiful, Nightshade"
"Well, I got that from my father" Bee laughs and I smile.

I sit in his lap, facing him, playing with his wings. He has his helm on top of mine, rubbing my back.
"Where did you get your stubbornness from?", Bee asks.
"Obviously Ironhide, he was like my babysitter after all"
"Shyness and love?"
"Well, I got shy whenever I'm around you and I love you, so I got both of them from you"
"What about smarts?"
"Myself, sorry Bee, your not the smartest bot around"
"I was smart about having you as a...."

"A lover? A sparkmate? A partner?"
"All of those things, especially, a sparkmate"
I smile at his stupidity. He presses his forehead against mine, my snout barely touching his faceplate. I lick his faceplate and he pulls back, giving a fake disgusted look. I giggle, licking his face again.
"Eww, dog kisses!", he teases.
I stop and I nudge his face.
"But you love me, and my gross wolf kisses", I say, exaggerating some of my words.

It's the next day and I yawn, stretching my muscles. Bee walks up behind me and he nudges my neck, rubbing my waist. I whine as my body aches. Bee starts rubbing my belly. I fall into Bee's arms, laughing.
"Stop! That hurts and tickles!" I giggle as he stops.
"What should we do today?"
I shrug my shoulders. I ached and I didn't want to do much but lie around. Bee kisses my helm.
"We can race"
"Out of energy"
"Take a nice slow drive"
That didn't sound too bad.
"Sure but I'm going to be in my holo"
Bee transforms and I go into my holo. Bee opens his drivers door and I plop in.

We soon are in the forest. I look about, taking in the sights. Bee and I were quiet. There was an awkward tension between us. I sigh, leaning into Bee's seat. I touch his moving steering wheel as he drives. He doesn't say anything but the car shudders a little. I smile. If I think about it, being an Autobot stinks at times. But luckily I have him. I smirk.
"Bee, have I ever told you how handsome you are?"

"Hmmm? Oh"
I cross my legs.
"Well then"
I bite my lower lip.
"Nightshade, where are you going with this? Are you on your cycle?"
I glare at his steering wheel.
"No. I'm not on my cycle"
'Are you on your cycle?' Why would I be on my heat cycle?! I look out the window again, getting sleepy.
"Works every time"
I nod before falling into a deep slumber.

"Tell me me pretty lies, look me in the face. Tell me that you love me, even if it's fake. Cause Idfc, at all. You've been out all night, I don't know where you've been. You're slurring all your words, not making any sense. But Idfc, at all. Cause I have hella feelings for you. But I act like Idfc." As I listen to the lyrics, the team runs about. They're stressed unlike me.
"Nightshade! Where's my-"
"Right behind Fixit's monitor."
Bee rushes over there. Grimlock was calm as well, laying next to me. I scratch his head. He purrs in return.
"Ohhh~ that's the spot! Ugh, right there. Yesss~"
I giggle.

As the blue day turns into a palate of blues, pinks, reds, yellows, oranges and purples, I rest in the arms of my mech. I shove my head into his chest, causing him to flinch. He grins widely, pressing his dermas against my forehead lightly.

I reached a thousand words so.... sorry for the wait guys. I've just lost interest in my life. I feel like a lying bag of meat and bones. I'm tired of acting like life is great, I really do. I've been thinking about suicide and tried multiple times but failed. Same with running away and starving myself. I just can't take it anymore. I apologize for the wait. Enjoy your life guys, yours actually matter.


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