Chapter 9

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I didn't put a warning in the last chapter so... ⚠️️WARNING MATURE CONTENT WARNING⚠️️ I'm sorry for any short chapters. I'll try to make them longer.

The weeks slowly went by. Painfully slow. Ever since our last mission where we had to climb an unsteady mountain side and I slipped, which caused multiple problems, mentally and physically. One of those problems was being able to walk or transform. Another problem was Bumblebee's mental state. Watching me tumble down a few miles probably caused him to break down. I can't imagine how bad it might be for him. Must've been so bad to where he had to put Optimus in charge just so he could stay behind with me. Yes folks, he's stubborn and protective. I wasn't able to transform or walk but I could move. I was sitting dead center in the middle of the chaos. By chaos I mean Bumblebee. I was leaning against his shivering form. It was around, ehh maybe 60 degrees, and he was shivering. I took it as pure fear. But Ratchet said that he just has a slight cold.

"Bee, I'm sorry for being stupid and not watching where I put my ped."
Bee's shivering stops. He cuffs my face in his servos. His breath was cold, bringing back the sounds of my fall. That wasn't the only thing that I did wrong on that mission. I didn't listen to my orders, which I listen to, sometimes. I let my feelings get to me. Midway of the climb, I got fired up all because of old memories. It was mayhem that day. I look into his icy cold optics.
"No. You weren't stable that day. I shouldn't of taken you."
I bite my lower derma. He was blaming himself so I could feel better. I shake my head in his grasp.
"Bee, stop. You're blaming-"
He interrupts, "I'm blaming myself because I love you. I don't want you to worry."
I sigh, releasing my lower derma.
"I caused it Bee. I caused this, not you. It's my own fault. I'm sorry for putting you into this mess. I hope-"
He cuts me off, placing a caring kiss onto my dermas. I kiss him back. He caresses my cheek plates with his digits. I grip onto the top part of his chest armor.

A sharp pain shockwaves through my body. I pull away, whining. Energon pricks my optics, wanting to be released. Bee looks up and down at my injured frame. Dents, bruises, scratches, and badges were wall over my body. My left wrist was wrapped up. Same with my right ear, my right knee and my chest. Not including my left ankle and a bite wound on my tail that was also wrapped up. I was a depiction of a young adult, doing something stupid enough to of gotten severe injuries. Bee grips onto my thigh. It was my left, so there wasn't any pain. His body was facing mine and I was facing him. He places his other servo onto the ground.

A strong wanting comes out of his face. I grunt as he smirks. He kisses me again. I'm not in the mood or in the proper state for this right now. I lightly push away his chest. He pulls away his head and his servo.
"I-I can't Bee. I'm not in the state to."
He nods, looking away from me. I understand his pain but trying to overcome it with love doesn't work. I never did tell him about the consequences of when someone's injured. I place my servo over his. He looks at the connection, then at me. He smiles, energon leaking out of his optics.
"It's a start", he laughs. He places his helm against mine. He kisses my forehelm lightly. I purr to his actions. A loving growl erupts from his throat.
"We'll get through this"
He looks into my optics and I look into his. A smile appears onto my dermas.
"Damn it, Nightshade. Your cuteness got to me." I giggle. He slowly places his helm into my neck, "mine."

The next morning was ok. Still lots of pain and sore joints and wiring but it was decent. Bee was asleep, still had his helm buried into my neck. His breathing was steady, a feature that you rarely saw in a bot with mental harm. His body was limp against my sore one. Every time I whined in pain, his servo or body would twitch. He would moan if I moved my body. I kissed his helm, yawning in exhaustion. I was low on rest and energy. He soon awakened as I was about to fall back asleep. He jolted up, sending waves of worry through me. He sighed, then looked at me. His optics filled with joy and pleasure as he saw my face.
"Morning beautiful", he says with a gruff voice. His morning voice was always so attractive. I smile, pushing my body against his.

He growls. My smile widens. He looks around.
"Where is everyone?"
My spark almost melts to his voice.
"On a mission", I respond bluntly. He nods, then kisses my neck. Shivers go down my spine. Bee stops and looks at me.
"Are you only enjoying this because of my voice?"
I look away, frowning. He laughs, oh that laugh. I blush a little. He uses his servo to turn my attention towards him. I look into his optics.
"My my, look what we have here. A wolf, caught in its own trap. My how the tables have turned."
I whine, wanting him to shut his intake and kiss me. But he was in the mood to tease. I wag my sore tail, trying to get him to do what I want. But he ignores the sign.

That turned him on. He growled, pulling me close to him. He kisses me roughly, making me smile.
(This turned into a lemon, didn't it)
Bee pulls away, blushing like mad as Sideswipe and Grimlock tease him about not being able to withstand not interfacing for a long period of time. I only got a glance from Sideswipe as he teased Bumblebee. I laugh as Grimlock compares him to a fem' on her heat cycle.
"No! I'm not like that!"
I smile at Bee's angered voice. That could even make a mech stop in his tracks. Sideswipe and Grimlock continue on.
"You're making out with an injured fem', that's weird Bee"
Bee grunts.
"Showing affection and making out are two different things, Sideswipe"
This isn't ending well. I grab onto Bee's chest plate, pulling him into a kiss.
Sideswipe stares in totally awe while Grimlock walks away. I pull away to see the mechs faceplate light up with blue.
"Whatever. You win", Sideswipe walks away. Bee looks at me, smirking.
"Thanks", he kisses my cheek. I nod, placing my head into his neck.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm trying my hardest. I'm obviously failing since my readings have been dropping. If you want an up to date story than go check out The Last Line. I've been really depressed lately over some, personal problems (possibly have cancer, strokes), so I do really apologize. Please forgive me?

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