Chapter 18: Christmas Special (Part 1)

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Hey everyone! Here's a late Christmas present! I would have updated sooner but I was out of town for the week! Enjoy!


"AJ, let go!" Zora exclaimed, tugging on the angel ornament.

"No, Mama said I could put up the angel!" AJ replied, pulling hard on the ornament.

"Papa said that I could!" Zora yelled. AJ tugged it even harder. Zora had had enough, she used her combat boot covered foot to kick him. He fell backwards into the empty box that carried the ornaments.

AJ's eyes sparked with anger. "Alright, that's it!" he yelled. He lunged at Zora. Both children began to roll around on the floor, punching, kicking and scratching.

Ziva and Tony ran to the living room to see what all the commotion was about.

"Hey! Break it up! Zora Maria, that is enough!" Tony yelled, pulling Zora away from AJ.

"Enough of this! Antonio Dominic, stop this at once!" Ziva shouted, pulling AJ away from Zora.

"Explain!" Tony snapped.

Both children began to explain at once, their voices getting louder in their attempt to talk over each other. Soon, they began arguing with each other.

"Oi! That is enough!" Ziva exclaimed, ceasing the arguing. "What have I told you both about fighting with one another?"

AJ and Zora sighed. "It is rude and unnecessary," they answered simultaneously.

Ziva nodded. "Good. Now, shake hands,"

Zora and AJ glared at each other, refusing to shake hands.


"Ouch! Abba!" Zora yelped, rubbing the sting from her backside. Tony had never swatted her before.

"Oww! Mama!" AJ cried, after Ziva planted a sharp swat over the seat of his dark red corduroys.

"You heard your mother! Shake hands," Tony ordered.

Zora and AJ shook hands with a sigh.

"Good. It is Christmas Eve, you should be kind to each other," Ziva stated. "Why must you two fight all the time?"

Zora and AJ shrugged.

"Now, any more fighting, and you'll get switches in your stockings instead of presents," Tony warned.

Both children's heads shot up. AJ and Zora looked at him with confusion.

"What?" they answered.

"A switch is a thin branch used to spank naughty children who were bad during the year," Tony explained.

Ziva smiled in amusement. Tony was half joking with them. Only half...

"You would not give that to us," Zora declared.

"Not if you are good," Ziva answered.

Zora and AJ's eyes went wide.

"Now, run along and take your baths. There are new clothes on your beds for you. We will be going to Gibbs' house for Christmas," Ziva instructed.

Without further direction, both children race up the stairs. Ziva grinned at Tony.

"Really, Tony? A switch?" Ziva asked.

"Yep. See if they fight for the rest of 2013," Tony chuckled, picking up the angel.

"Um, excuse me? Pass the angel, I will show you how to really put it up," Ziva scoffed.

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