Chapter 2

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Dr. Green rubbed some gel onto my belly. It felt cold and it made me giggle for some reason. Mom stared at me disapprovingly. I guess I was being a bit childish.

"Your eight weeks pregnant now?" the doctor asked, and I nodded. "You do know," he continued, "We normally don't do the ultrasound this early. But we decided yours was a specially case."

Dr. Green started talking to himself while he set up the screen. I stifled a laugh and mom frowned at me. Eventually Dr. Green got the device working and he moved a small microphone shaped thing around my belly.

A black and white picture was projected onto the screen. I was holding onto my mom and dad's hands, but I let go of them and raised my own hand towards the screen.

"My baby..." I whispered. In my head I actually was thinking of Augustus, and how it was his baby too.

Dad burst into tears. I have him an embarrassed glance but I was actually feeling a little bit weepy myself. Dr. Green smiled and asked me if I would like to keep a picture of the baby and I nodded.

"Your baby will be due...yes about June 25th. Would you like to know the sex?"

I considered, then shook my head. I wanted this too be a surprise. Dr. Green shut down the screen. Mom and dad walked out of the room, they were probably going for a coffee. I was glad that mom was becoming less over protective of me. She even had a few friends! Dad still cried the whole time though. Dr. Green started mindlessly chatting to me.

"I know you have cancer Hazel, but the baby won't be harmed at all." said Dr. Green.

The thought of my baby being harmed by my cancer hadn't actually occurred to me, and I don't know if that was a good or bad thing.

"Yes, yes, the child's not in any danger at all if only half of his genes is affected..." Blah blah blah. This guy just needed to shut up. Suddenly a thought occurred to me.

"Augustus had cancer." I said.

"Hmmm, sorry what?" replied the

"Augustus. The father of my baby. He had cancer when we know...intercourse." I said awkwardly.

Dr. Green looked puzzled for a minute, then shocked and walked quickly out of the room. Oh god what was wrong? When I found out I was pregnant I had freaked out, but now I couldn't lose the baby. I closed my eyes. It would be horrible, just like losing Augustus all over again.

When my parents walked in again holding paper cups, I opened my eyes and smiled weakly at them. Dr. Green came in and he was also smiling, so I thought nothing about it.

A month later I was sitting in my bedroom when my phone started ringing. I checked the caller then answered.

"Hi Isaac."

"Hey," he replied.

When I told Isaac I was pregnant he was really shocked, but also happy for me. I was over at his house when I told him and he put on this music and we stared dancing like maniacs. I guess it was hard for Isaac being blind and all but he was actually a great dancer. We had become so much closer recently.

We chatted for a while when my mom came in with a letter for me.

"Speak soon!" I said into the phone.

"Bye Hazel," he laughed back.

I looked at the letter. Whoa, I never got mail. I quickly opened the letter, it was from the hospital. Probably about my next appointment or something. It took my eyes a while too adjust to the small print.

To Ms Hazel Lancaster

We regret to inform you that your baby may have cancer. We tested the results and we have come to a conclusion that there is a 50% chance that your child could have cancer, a 25% chance of Stage 4 Thyroid Cancer and a 25% chance of Osteosarcoma...

There was more but I couldn't bare to read it. My little baby could have cancer?! I quietly cried to myself. My pregnancy hormones made me cry the whole time anyway, so this was full on sobbing.

I couldn't quiet believe it. My boyfriend had died from it. I was going to die young because if it. And now my baby might have it? If I wasn't even pregnant then this would never of happened. I wouldn't inflict my curse upon another human being.

Authors Note: Oooh I left you guys on a cliff hanger haha! I really do appreciate it if you are reading my story just now your fabulous!

Guys it would be amazing if you could tell your friends/readers about this story! If you did and you tell me, I would tell all my readers about you story and I'll vote for you! Okay I love you guys bye!

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