Chapter 12

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Finally we were back at the flat. Anna was asleep in her cot. God she looked so muchlike Augustus, and she was only a few weeks old! We had to stay at the hospital for ages while they performed their many scans and check ups.

Thankfully though me and Anna were able to go home, both healthy. Well, as healthy as I can be.

I was packing away my clothes that I had been wearing at the hospital when the doorbell rang. I suspected it was Mr Waters and Mrs Waters as I had invited them around to come and see their new grandaughter.

I checked my hair in the mirror, and made sure I looked presentable for Mrs Waters. I secured my nubbins into place but when I opened the door I got a surprise.

"Kaitlyn!" I gasped.

"Darling! Hello! It's been a while hasn't it?" she smiled, her accent more british than ever.

"It's been over a year!" I tried to scream but all that came out was gibberish.

Kaitlyn laughed showing her pearly white teeth which were outlined with a pair of red lips. She used one of her perfectly manicured fingers to close my mouth as it was hanging open.

She sauntered casually into my flat, while I followed behind her like a stray puppy dog. Kaitlyn was at least a head taller then me, especially with her killer high heels. She took off her beautiful coat and made herself at home on a comfy chair.

"Nice place. I'm still living with my parents. Nightmare." she commented with a slight roll of the eyes.

That's when I realised something was wrong. Kaitlyn's lipstick was slightly over the edge and her eyeliner was scribbly. Now this was strange. Kaitlyn could perform her perfect make-up regimen blindfolded with her hands tied behind her back.

And her hair was not its usual, shiny self. This meant that Kaitlyn left her house in a hurry. Why was she over here anyway?

"Why are you here?" I finally managed to say.

"To catch up, darling! To find out with what's going on with your life." Kaitlyn tapped my chubby cheek, then stood up and walked towards the kitchen. "I'll just make you some coffee sweetie, I'm dying for one."

When we were both sitting down and drinking our coffee, the baby monitor turned on and played the sound of Anna crying. I stood up and untangled my oxygen tank from the chair.

"I'll just be a sec," I told Kaitlyn, then shuffled towards my bedroom where Anna was sleeping.

I scooped Anna into my arms and rocked her until she quietened. I heard someone sniff and behind me stood Kaitlyn, tears pouring down her face.

"Oh, umm," I mumbeled and awkwardly looped an arm around Kaitlyn, while I was still holding Anna.

I put Anna down to sleep and coaxed a hysterical Kaitlyn into my bathroom. Black mascara was running down her face and ugly tears and snot were dripping into her mouth. Her hair was frizzed up. Kaitlyn was beautiful, she really was, but I can tell you one thing. She was an ugly crier.

"Oh my god I'm such a mess!" cried out Kaitlyn.

I couldn't really argue with her.

I handed her tissues and wet wipes, and once all her make-up was cleaned away I spoke,

"Kaitlyn, what's the matter?"

"Hazel, I act like I'm so sophisticated," she sighed, her English accent all gone now. "But inside I'm a total car crash. I'm messed up. I didn't talk to you after Augustus died. I was scared I guess. Hazel, I didn't even know you we're pregnant I only found out a few months ago, when I saw your mom in the supermarket. I'm a terrible, terrible friend-"

Kaitlyn started banging her hand against her head until I stopped her. I didn't try argue with Kaitlin and tell her that she was a good friend, because in truth, she wasn't. I just sat there and comforted her with my presence.

Eventually Kaitlyn stopped crying and re-applied her make up. She stared at me for a while, then back at her make up back.

"Hazel, we're going to give you a make over." she stated.

I really, really didn't want make-up on my face but I didn't want to object to Kaitlyn now that she was in her 'bossy mood'.

I patiently waited while she slapped all sorts of creams and lotions over me, the applied heavy eye-liner and mascara. She also got to work on my hair, brushing it into an uncomfortable style, fixed in place with a clip. Then she grabbed the only fancy thing I have (a simple one-shouldered black dress that I bought with Kaitlyn) and shoved it over my head, nearly winding me.

"There," she smiled, a wide smile on her face.

I stared into the mirror. I looked all right I guess, at least all my spots were gone. But the make up and dress were just a heavy burden and didn't help with my breathing one bit.

" lovely," I grinned falsely.

Kaitlyn checked her state-of-the-art mobile and said, "Darling, I have to go now but I'll call you tonight and we can meet up this weekend, yeah?"

I nodded and helped her towards the door. I then scrubbed off all my make up and changed into comfy leggins and Augustus' over sized shirt that was warm and comfy, but brought back sad memories. Sometimes I felt I needed to wear it though, like a challenge.

I waited with Anna for Kaitlyn's call. It never came. I waited the next week and the next, but she never phoned. Didn't even send a text.

Okay it's really hard to write about Anna just now, she doesn't have that much personality just yet as shes a baby! So these chapters might go quite fast.

Guys could you please tell your readers, followers and friends to read my book because the more reads/comments/votes I get, then the more motivated I am to write better and longer chapters.

I you have any questions or suggestions about this story or about anything in general (anything at all, really i wont get mad!) please mail me on wattpad or kik me on:


Guys I love you all, thanks for reading!

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