Chapter 26

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I didn't know that Mom was dying, till me, granny and grandad went to visit her at the hospital.

I had been staying with them for a week or two, and I knew Mom was ill at the hospital but I didn't think it was serious. I didn't realise that granny would go out to the hospital late at night and come home hardly speaking, occasionally a few tears leaking from her eyes. Being an idiotic 8 year old, I didn't put the pieces together.

"Anna, come on we're going to visit your mother," said granny, as she combed her hair for the thousandth time.

I emphasise a groan, showing I really don't want to go. "I'm in the middle of this chapter!" I say gesturing to my book. "Anyway, Mom will be home soon. Why do we need to visit her?"

Granny grabbed her purse and bustled out if the room, after giving grandad a look that said talk to her.

"Anna, we're going." said my grandad as he grabbed my coat from the pegs.

"Why?" I groaned.

Suddenly, a mini explosion occurred in the Lancaster household.

"FOR GODS SAKE WILL YOU JUST COME ANNA!" screamed grandad, before dissolving into tears.

It wasn't the first time I had seen my grandad cry. He cried at my 8th birthday when I thanked him for 'the best present ever' which was a huge bookcase made by him, as well as several books to go along with it. He cried at disney film he watched with me. I knew for a fact he cried when I was born.

But he had never gotten angry at me before, never shouted. Whenever Mom sent me to my room or granny was picking at me, grandad would just give me a little wink and half a smile.

So at this moment in time I didn't know wether to run away from the beast who had consumed grandad or comfort him. Thankfully, I chose the second option.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry Anna, please forgive me," muttered grandad as he shakily wiped away his tears.

I didn't say 'its okay' or anything, I just held his hand and together we walked to the car, and that was enough.

"Everything okay?" granny had asked, obviously sensing something was up.

Grandad replied while I just nodded. I had a feeling of tranquility wash over me, as did grandad I think. But that feeling soon left as we drove the silent route that took us to the hospital.

I stepped inside the hospital waiting room as granny and grandad both went to speak to the receptionist in hushed tones. The waiting room made me feel uncomfortable, which was strange. It had bright colours and lots of toys and books, everything kids like. But I couldn't help but feel as if it was trying to hard. Like the room was meant to be sad but someone had tried to hide it by smothering the room in 'cheerful' colours.

I quickly scampered up to my grand parents as they began to walk the length of the corridor. I had to jog to keep up with their brisk walk. Fake grins were plastered on their faces, but I could see underneath the smiles. Granddad's hands shook uncontrollably and granny kept nervously flattening her hair.

We eventually reached the room in which Mom was staying in. It wasn't a private room which struck me as strange, but I quickly brushed it aside. Many beds were scattered across the floor and I couldn't find my Mom. Granny knew exactly were she was going though and marched to the bed at the far side of the room.

At first I didn't recognise her. Arms and legs as thin as a matchstick, but chubby cheeks that overflowed her face. Even mom's hair looked bad, little clumps had fallen out and it had lost its usual shine.

But what scared me most was the many tubes coming out of her, leading to terrifyingly large machines. Even a oxygen mask covered most of her face, but her eyes were closed anyway.

Granny and grandad took their seats on either side of Mom, each clutching her hands. I just stood in front of the bed, horrified of what my mother had become and how I hadn't even noticed.

"What, what's w-wrong with h-her?" I managed to croak out.

Granny just shook her head sadly, so grandad had to explain.

"Basically, your mom's lungs are failing her," said Grandad. He paused a second, composing himself, before continuing.

"Her lungs are filling up with liquid too fast to get rid of it, and even if it was possible to drain her lungs, she might not s-survive the operation. Her cancer has spread. They're dosing her with god-knows what drugs just know to try and keep it at bay." Grandad closed his eyes and his lips moved silently as if he was praying.

"It just all happened so fast." muttered granny.

"But she'll be okay?" I asked dreading the answer.

Granny stared at me, and right then it was as if my Mom was looking at me. I never realised how alike the two really were.

"Anna," said granny, her voice steady. "It might be time to say goodbye."

My brain seemed to be working at a super slow speed, taking a while for granny's words to reach my brain. Once they came through, I shook my head, refusing to believe it.

"No, no..." I muttered.

"I'm afraid so Anna." I could tell granny was trying to be strong, for me, and I supported her because of it.

"Your Mom is extremely strong to be able to even hold on now. She's in a medically induced coma to try and get some much needed rest and let those drugs do their magic, but she should be waking up tonight or tomorrow That's why I brought you here Anna. I think your mom is holding on for you."

I sat down on the squeaky hospital floor and rested my head against the leg of granny's chair. Grandad was already snoozing away and I could feel myself falling into the land of dreams.

I woke up hours later by the sound of rustling coming from mom's bed. I checked that granny and grandad were still asleep then I stood up and looked at the bed.

Mom was awake, and motioning for me to climb onto her bed. Happy to do so, I snuggled up next to her. She then was making hand gestures at me to do something else, but I didn't understand.

"Oh right!" I mumbled, realising Mom wanted me to take off her oxygen mask so she could speak. "Are you sure?"

Mom nodded determinedly, so I ripped it off. She was still connected to a large oxygen tank by transparent tubes that were shoved up her nose, so I figured she'd be okay for a little while at least.

Mom breathed a sigh of relief. "Hi sweetie," she said, her voice thin and raspy.

"Mom!" I cried, and was careful to hug her without knocking any tubes out of place.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"You're a cancer patient lying in a hospital bed with about a million tubes coming out of you, and your asking if I'm okay?" I said, dumbfounded.

Mom laughed a little, which made her wheeze. "Oh Anna your so much like your father."

We stayed in silence for a while.

"Anna, I want to ask you something." Mom took a deep breath. "Is it okay, if I go? I feel like I ought to ask your permission first."

"Of course it's not okay! You're my Mom! Your meant to be with me!" I say.

"Anna..." Mom says.

I sigh, "Of course it's okay. If you go, ill be fine. I have Isaac, granny, grandad and my other set if grandparents." Tears unexpectedly start leaking out my eyes. "But please try not do.

"I don't know if ill be able to do that," says Mom, her eyes also glistening with tears.

I nod, showing her that I understand.

"C'mon lets get some sleep. I'm exhausted." says Mom, and together we stay cuddled up and fall asleep in each others arms.

Authors note: NOT THE END OF THE BOOK!


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