Chapter 16

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I trudged into Anna's bedroom, still in my pyjamas and yawning. I slowly dragged my cannula behind me, too tired to go any faster.

"Anna," I said. "C'mon, it's your first day of preschool today. You don't want to be late, do you?"

A 3-year-old Anna suddenly shot out of bed, her hair sticking up in clumps.

"No mommy! We're not going to be late are we?" cried Anna, looking up at me with round eyes.

"Not if you hurry up," I smirked.

Anna bustled around her bedroom putting on clothes while I went to wash my hair in the sink. Once I was fully clothed in a crisp white shirt and posh pants, I went to go see how Anna was getting on.

She had her t-shirt inside out and both legs in the same hole of her shorts. I laughed at her, and helped her put her clothes on properly. We both trailed through to the kitchen and I made her breakfast, then made some coffee for myself.

Soon we were sitting in the car. I allowed Anna to sit in the front, as long as she used her booster seat, which made her feel very grown up.

Anna had blond hair that was tinged brown and was was slightly wavy, just reaching her shoulders. She had bright blue eyes and looked like a girl version of augustus. I think she had my ears though, which was nice, because they were my favourite feature. On this particular day she was wearing a pink t-shirt and denim shorts.

"Have you got a snack?" I asked, as I started up the engine.

"Yes," Anna grinned, producing her brand-new rucksack that we had bought a few days ago. "Its all in here."

"Have you got a jumper incase it gets cold? Did you remember your teddy?" I repeatedly asked.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes..." burbled Anna, making a joke of it.

As we pulled into the school car park, Anna took off her seatbelt and ran away from the car, trying to get inside as fast as she could.

"Anna! Wait!" I shouted across the car park.

Anna waited, but she couldn't help jumping up and down of the spot.

"Finally mommy!" gasped Anna, like it had taken me hours to drag my cannula to her.

We walked into the preschool hand in hand. We followed a bright red corridor that was plastered with little children's artwork. Anna actually stayed holding on to my hand, but she kept doing a little dance with her feet. God, she was going to get in trouble for being disruptive.

We finally got to a porch which was very bright. Moms and Dads where helping their kids hang up their bags and jackets. I hung up Anna's bag while she rushed around the porch, noticing every little detail.

Anna and me walked up to another door where a smart looking lady stood. Behind the door stood a large colourful classroom with lots of toys and pictures, as well as desks. Anna tugged my hand excitedly when she saw a whole shelf of kids books. She would sit for hours flicking through picture books and trying to read the large print, even though she couldn't stay still the rest of the the time.

"Hi there," said the nice lady at the door. "Who must you be?"

Before I could speak Anna garbled, "I'm called Anna and this is my mommy."

The lady laughed while I shook her hand and said, "I'm Hazel, Anna's Mom."

The lady ticked us off the register she was holding.

"Hey Anna, hey Hazel." smiled the lady with perfect white teeth and a neat brown bun. "I'm going to be your teacher Anna. My name is Miss Paisley. Follow me."

We followed her through into the classroom while Anna looked around like she was in love. Miss Paisley showed us around the classroom a bit and talked about what they were going to teach through the year.

We then went back to the centre of the class, where there was 5 groups of tables, each seated with 4 seats.

"Anna, you are going to sit right here," smiled the teacher, pointing at a seat, and then she consulted her list. "You will be sitting next to a little girl, and another little girl and boy will be opposite you although they're not here yet."

Miss Paisley looked at her watch. "Hazel, lessons start in the next few minutes. Pick up time is at 12:30 as the little preschoolers only stay half a day. she chirruped quickly, then moved on to the next parent and child.

I squatted down next to Anna. "Hey, I'm going now," I said softly. "But I'll come pick you up soon, okay?"

Anna nodded,"Don't worry about me mommy, I'm not scared at all because I'm going to make lots of new friends and I'm going to be teached lots of stuff and be very clever, even clever then you, and-"

I laughed, "Just don't talk to much Anna. Remember to listen to the teacher!"

"I will mommy, I promise!" said Anna solemnly, and gave me a hug.

I had to fight back tears, but obviously I couldn't cry in front of Anna. So I just walked away, and it felt as if I was leaving half of me behind.

When I got home, I didn't know what to do. I had been with Anna nearly everyday, for nearly 3 years, and now she was just...gone.

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