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Tris's P.O.V

"Congrats on making it this far, you've all got some balls!" A collective 'woot' erupts from the crowd of transfers on the rooftop.

"My name's Emmet, and this is only the beginning of your initiation," the man speaks.

"You've already jumped twice, and now I'm asking you to jump a final time. From the edge of this roof top and into that hole," he points over the edge and everyone leans over to look. Hole? More like a dark gaping casm of death!

Everyone murmurs, probably thinking similar thoughts to me. Emmet grins in satisfaction, clearly pleased with the results of his scare tactic. He rubs his hands to together and licks his lips, in a weird comical sort of way.

"Well, someone's got to go first, who's it going to be?" He says, scanning the crowd. Everyone sinks back and looks at the ground, even the Dauntless borns. His eyes settle on me and his face contorts in confusion.

"Yo! Have we seriously got a stiff on our hands?" He asks and I shift uncomfortably.

"Damn though, isn't it kinda selfish to be that smokin?" He jests. My cheeks turn hot as the crowd bursts into laughter and wolf whistles.

"I don't know if I want you jumping and hurting that pretty face sweetheart," Emmet says.

I feel the heat in my cheeks turning from embarrassment to anger. I've had to deal with comments like these my whole life, and the presumptions that accompany them. She's a girl, she isn't smart, she isn't capable.

The whole reason I left Abnegation is so that I can say what I really think and do what I want. To some my problems are silly, but they're real to me. And I will not be oppressed because of the way I look anymore.

I take in a deep breath and look Emmet in the eye. "I'll try to keep my face in one piece," I say as I walk over to the edge with confidence, despite this being the most nerve racking moment of my life.

I step up onto the ledge, ignoring the murmurs from the crowd.

"Damn this chick's crazy," Emmet scoffs. He leans over the edge and yells down that someone's about to jump.

Are there people waiting down there? I assume there's water or something at the bottom, they aren't allowed to kill us... right? Or maybe this is a test, if you're dumb enough to jump you die?

I shake the thoughts from my mind, I know I'm just being stupid. I can do this. And if I don't, I'll never live it down. I close my eyes and step up to the ledge.

Without hesitation, I jump.

Air whips my face and my heart is in my throat. I'm only falling for a second before something strong and flexible encases me. It flings me back in to the air a few feet and I bounce a couple of times. Ah, it's a net, that's clever.

I can't help but burst into laughter of relief. I did it!

Net lurches like someone pulled it and I roll towards the edge. I sit up and the room is spinning, but one face comes into clear view.

I gulp as I take in the appearance of the extremely handsome face in front of me. His features are sculpted and strong, yet soft in the right places. His light stubble and sharp jawline gives him a beautiful rugged look. My eyes trail down to his broad muscular shoulders. Tendrils of a tattoo are visible creeping up his neck. "Welcome to Dauntless," he says, his voice is deep and velvety. I feel like I'm drowning in his strong yet warm eyes and wobble on the net. I reach out and grab his arm to steady me.

His warm skin feels so good underneath mine. My stomach has butterflies as he reaches a hand around my waist and lifts me off the net, and I think my heart stops beating at his touch. I feel colder when he removes his hand.

"What's your name?" He asks eyes locked with mine.

"It's B- uhhh... it's um..." I stammer. Beatrice is such an Abnegation sounding name, and I don't want to bring that side of myself into Dauntless.

He smiles empathetically, "You can pick a new one if you like, but make it good. You don't get to pick again."

I think for a second, before I settle on my new name. "Tris. My name's Tris".

He smiles and look into his eyes. I've never had this feeling about anyone before, it's a whirlwind of emotions sweeping over me, I can barely think straight. I feel drawn to him, like my destiny is already made up, and it all surrounds him. He is easily the most attractive person I've ever met, in every way. But it's deeper than that, like there's something drawing me to him. And even if I want to, it's inescapable.

I hear someone clear their throat, and I realise I'd been too busy staring to notice there are other people in the room.

He turns to the crowd of people and yells "First jumper - Tris!"

My mind is just a blurry haze of... Him.


Thanks for reading!

Xx Kealie

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