Snap out of it!

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Four's P.O.V

One by one, the rest of the initiates jump. Almost all of them descend in a mess of flailing arms and screaming, unlike Tris.

Tris. There I go again. I can't keep my my focused on single thought except for her, she consumes me.

I assess whether or not anyone is looking, an then steal a glance at her for the millionth time. She is standing in line of initiates, a complete standout amongst them with her grey dress.

Although I'm almost certain she'd stand out anyway, her features are so exotic and enchanting, who wouldn't stare at her?

I furrow my eyebrows as realise that yes indeed, who wouldn't stare at her? I notice several of her male peers are shamelessly gawking at her, almost drooling in some cases.

I looked away disgusted, I don't know why it bothers me so much but it does.

A loud "Yewwwwwwww!" distracts me from my thoughts, and I see Emmet fall into the net. He bounces out with ease, not needing help like the initiates did.

"Hey my man Four!" He says slapping me on the back. I've always liked Emmet, he never takes himself or anyone else too seriously.

He turns to the initiates. "So peeps, I've got stuff to do, but Imma leave you in the capable hands of Four and his gang, they'll be your trainers".

"And he's single ladies," he yells over his shoulder as he saunters out. I grit my teeth. I will kill him later.

I step forward and cross my arms sternly. "My name is Four, this is Zeke, Shana and Stacy. All Dauntless born line up separately to transfers," I say.

The Dauntless born slowly start to shuffle into their own line. "Today initiates!" I bark. In my two years of training I've learnt the hard way that being stern is imperative. They all scurry into position with haste.

"Right. Now everyone on the left of him will go with Stacy," I point to the person 1/3 of the way through the line. I continue to divide them up until Stacy, Shana and Zeke each have their group.

"And transfers will come with me," I say as I head towards the door. I intentionally walk past Tris, and graze her shoulder just so that I can touch her again, like I've been craving.

I head to the initiates sleeping quarters via the pit, chasm and training room, and give them the usual speech explaining where and what everything is.

I show the initiates to their sleeping quarters and bathrooms. "This is where you will be staying for the next few weeks while you're completing your training".

"Boys or girls?" A Candor boy pipes up.
"Both," I answer curtly.

Giggles and wolf whistles break out through the crowd. Usually I would roll my eyes at their immaturity, but once again my mind shoots straight to Tris. I hope no one tries anything on her or... watches her while she changes. I shudder, and attempt to wipe the thought from my mind.

"Right. Everyone get changed. I hope you were paying attention to where the training room is, I should see you all there in 5 minutes." With that I leave.

As soon as I get around the corner, I rake my hands through my hair and blow out a deep breath. Images of her swirl around my head and refuse to leave. Snap out of it! I tell myself.

"Oof!" The wind is knocked out of me by a large heavy moving object.

"Watch it man!" Zeke laughs, punching me in the arm. Zeke and I have known each other since we were in initiation together. He's an idiot and a loser, but he's my best friend.

"Dude, that sexy stiff though!" He says, and I am now paying full attention to him.

"Uh, yeah an Abnegation transfer is... odd," I say swallowing a lump in my throat.

"Yeah but bro she is... dayyyuuum! That face is angelic, and her body's rocking in all the right places," he says wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and making an hourglass shape in the air with his hands.

The idea of someone else thinking of Tris in that way elicits a strange churning feeling in my stomach, I believe its jealousy. I've never really felt it before, but then again I suppose I've never really been so taken with someone.

"I gotta go," I say to hastily, I walk towards the training room. What the fuck is wrong with me? Someone mentions her and I react like that? I seriously need to snap out of it!

It makes my day seeing that a couple of people have read my story!

Xx Kealie

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