Don't bite your lip.

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Tris P.O.V

Christina and I explore the halls of the Dauntless complex, and I run my fingers along the walls. "This place is so cool," I say. "Everything in Abnegation was so... boring."

Christina snorts. "Abnegation is the embodiment of bor-" she is cut off by loud laughs coming from around the corner. A group of four people, probably a couple of years older than us emerges, laughing rowdily.

My heart skips a beat when I realise that Four is among them. As they get closer to us, they slow down. I look up catch Four's eye.

"Hang on a sec guys," he says raising a hand. He walks over to me, his steps more wobbly than usual. I look down and notice the glass bottle in his right hand.

He stops only an inch away from me, his warm breath on my face. "Tris... Tris Tris Tris," he murmurs, reaching for my face with his free hand. My breath hitches in my throat as he tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear. How does he even remember my name?

"You're so b-," he stops himself and looks at me with a pained expression. He looks like a god.

"You did good today. In training. Uh, keep it up," he says raking his hands through his hair and looking away. Being this close to him is intoxicating, I can't think straight.

"Four come on, we're going to the chasm," a girl calls. She has dark purple hair and strong makeup around her eyes. Is she his girlfriend?She looks quite striking, I wonder if that's what he likes.

"Yeah coming," he says, his strong blue eyes still locked with mine.

"Do me a favour and don't drink next to the chasm," I say.

He smirked, "And why not?"

"Because how am I supposed to pass initiation with my trainer dead?" I joke, trying to cover up the fact that I am completely mesmerised by him, and am worried about him hurting himself.

He throws his head back and laughs, probably finding my joke much funnier than he would if he were sober.

His lips are so full and soft looking. My inner Abnegation tells me to stop noticing such things, but I can't help thinking about how my mouth would feel on his. I bite my lip.

"Don't to that," he warns, his eyes turning dark.

I look at him confused. "Don't do what?"

"Don't bite your lip. It makes me want to-" he is interrupted by someone pulling him away. I recognise him as another trainer, Emmet I think.

"He's just had a bit much to drink, don't mind him. Bye toots," he says with a wink as he pulls Four away.

I am left standing there looking at his perfect form disappear around the corner. Did that really just happen? I talked to him! Like, outside of training! God I've never felt like this before.

My perfect haze is pierced by a loud "What the fuck!"

Christina ranted about Four for the next 5 minutes it took us to walk to the plaza.
The D-plaza is a huge building filled with shops and clubs. We are supposed to be meeting Will, Uriah and Marlene at the tattoo shop.

When we arrive, they all chatter and decide what tattoos to get. They try to include me in the conversation, but my replies are just vague "mhms's" and "yep's". I sit there with the world blocked out, just thinking about Four.


Another one finished! Comment what you think! 🤗

Xx Kealie

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