Loose lips sink ships.

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Four P.O.V

"Dude chilllll," I slur, wincing at Emmet's tight grip on my wrist. I bring the bottle up to my lips and take a swig of the potent liquor. It burns it's way down my throat.

We round the corner and everyone stops and gapes at me.

"Wh-hic-at?," pain registers on my cheek and realise Shana slapped me. "What the fuck!" I yell at her.

"Are you kidding me? You get drunk and blatantly flirt with a 16 year old initiate?" Shana yanks the bottle from my hands and throws it behind her. Zeke jumps when it smashes.

"Yeah seriously man you can't just do that. If we hadn't pulled you away you probably would have tapped that!" Zeke says crudely.

"Your stupid infatuation with her could wind up getting us all in trouble!" Shana scolds.

I slide down the wall and sit with my knees up and elbows on my knees. The alcohol makes my head swirl. "I know, I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself, must be the alcohol," I mutter.

"S'ok dude," Zeke sits next to me and Shana and Emmet follow suit. "So you have the hots for this chick?" Zeke asks.

Emmet snorts. "She's smoking hot man, pretty sure we all have the hots for her," he says.

"Man its more than the hots, she makes me fucking crazy. I can't think about anything but her," I say. I continue to babble about Tris and everything that I feel for her, and they listen.

"Dude that's heavy," Emmet says after a while.

They stand up. "We should get back, its late," Shana states.

"I think I'm in love with her," I say pathetically as my friends pull me up. Zeke snorts.

"I thought getting drunk would make me forget about her, but I'm thinking about her more. And now I'm spilling my guts about it too," I say regrettably.

"Eric would have so much fun if he found out, so maybe try keep it in mate," Emmet pats me on the back.

"Loose lips sink ships so keep it buttoned buddy," Zeke agrees.

"It's not like you have a shot anyway," Shana states matter of factly.

Zeke and Emmet shoot her a warning glare.

"What?" She defends. "I walked past their table at lunch and she said she doesn't like you. 'Too tall and scary' were her exact words."

My heart drops.


Sorry it was a short one!

Xx Kealie

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