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Roseanne awoke to shouting and doors slamming and maids hiding within her chambers.

It had been a really long time since this much activity had been heard. The last time she remembered this was when her mother gave birth to her father's last son, Thomas.

Her father had stormed out shouting and slamming doors and the maids whispered of the grief of their Queen due to the loss of her child.

Today, though, was different. Everyone spoke of the knights riding in with their shinning armor and their mighty horses.

This only meant one thing to Roseanne. Edward.

Edward, her eldest brother, had been the closest thing to a family she had ever had, but he spent most of his time away from home.

Roseanne missed him dearly. He always came back to tell her such wonderful stories of adventure, the life she craved. His wife, Mary, told her time after time his stories, mostly for the benefit of their son but also for her.

She had waited six months for this. Roseanne flew down the stairs, right passed her Father, who dragged himself out of his drunken state to greet his son.

"Edward?" She called out, grinning wildly as she crashed into his arms.

He gripped her tightly in a hug, "Hello, Anne."

She pulled back and smiled, "I cannot believe you came home! Father said you were not due for months. Mother will be over joyed."

Edward's face hardened, "He said that, did he?"

Roseanne gripped his arm, knowing that if she did not do something, her Father and Edward would tear each other to pieces. It was rare that they could even look at each other, let alone have a conversation. "Please do not quarrel today. For my sake, can we not be a normal family?"

Edward sighed, "You are right. Happy as can be, sister. Now where is Jason. I missed my best friend."

She watched as Edward greeted his friend, laughing slightly at his also drunken state. He then moved on to his wife and son, leaving Roseanne by herself.

"What is all this conmoción about?" The dark prince from the ball asked, leaning against the railing beside Roseanne.

Her heart stopped as her eyes met his, "Señor, I cannot believe you still are here."

He nodded, "Ah, I had business to attended so I shall stay for a while thanks to his majesty's generosity. I am not sure we were introduced, señora."

Roseanne curtsied, "I am Roseanne."

He bowed and kissed her hand, "Alvaro, King of Spain."

"Spain?" Roseanne questioned, "I have heard it was one of the most beautiful countries in the world."

Alvaro shrugged, "Maybe one day you'll see it. If you will excuse me, I have more business to attend to."

Roseanne turned back to Edward with a smile, "How long are you staying for?"

"As long as I possibly can. I don't want to miss my son's life anymore. Plus, I hear mother is having problems with the King again."

Roseanne sighed, "It's not a big deal. Just a small skirmish."

"So a small skirmish destroyed King Edward's portrait, left mother in tears, caused her to write hundreds of letters begging me to come home and had Mary worried about mother's head?" Edward stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You've talked with mother, then?" She whispered.


Mary came up to them and put a hand on his arm, "Darling, don't you think you should talk with his majesty while he is in... a good mood?"

Edward sighed and grabbed the bridge of his nose, "You are right. Please excuse me while I please his Royal Highness with my appearance. Do not be surprised if I start a war."

Mary narrowed her gaze, "Be polite, Edward. There is no need to be such a dramatic demon. There is already enough in court already."

He glared back at her in response.


"Your mother has been in a good mood ever since Prince Edward got home." Lady Bridget said as she worked on her embroidery in her lap.

"She has, hasn't she? It is almost as if he should never leave home. Everyone is a better mood when he is home." Roseanne said with a smile.

It was a well known fact that Edward made everyone happy- unless you happened to be the King. Roseanne's father had never liked her brother, even though he had declared Edward his heir. It was said that Edward was not his child, but the child from her previous marriage. Not that it really mattered to Roseanne.

Lady Bridget had taught her not to listen to gossip, but she had never exactly shot down the rumor. Her mother simply refused to have her day on the rumor.

"Prince Edward has his duties, though, my darling. He is just like his father— always putting himself last behind those he loves. You know your father always loved your mother. I was so jealous of her. Oh, and how handsome he was!" Lady Bridget gushed, as the all go familiar look came onto her face. The look she got when she remembered the "darling" days.

"I am sorry, did you say was? Your do not think father is still attractive?" Roseanne asked, feeling slightly confused.

"Oh, dear! Did I say—"

"Bridget, I believe you are need in the kitchen. They said something about the crumpets?" The to familiar, stern voice said, right over the top of Roseanne's head.

Lady Bridget simply curtsied low and scurried out of the room.

"What was that about, mother?" Roseanne asked.

Her only reply was, "It looks beautiful my dear. Keep working." And then with that she left the room.

Roseanne's head was spinning. She was confused. Lady Bridget was hiding something. Her mother was angry.

So, with the only logical part of her brain working, Roseanne slipped behind a thick tapestry and into an old passageway, covered in dew and dust.

She could faintly hear the conversation happening between her mother and Lady Bridget.

"We have to be more careful, Bridget. I promised the King I wouldn't tell her the truth." Her mother said, her voice trembling.

"I am truly sorry, Annalisa. It simply slipped out of my mouth." Lady Bridget apologized.

With a sigh, her mother, the Queen, said with no hesitation, "If Roseanne ever finds out who her true father is, I will surely find my head detached from my body. You have to be more careful, Bridget. For both our sakes."

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