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She had been screaming for hours, half in anger and the other half in grief. She had become crazy, mumbling nonsense.

Alvaro had made sure that her room in the tower had been right over the executioner's block so she could see them prepare her death.

He had wanted her to be able to see the death of her lover, but Florencia had convinced him otherwise.

Besides, he didn't want a war with the new King.

He had held her death over long enough to have a dress fashioned for her especially for this event. A nice royal blue with red accents and a white lace trim. The colors of her home country.

After all, he wanted his wife to go down in style.

She hadn't asked for much— a last meal and to see her sons.

Of course, he wasn't going to allow his sons to see her but he could at least give her food. She had broken his heart but he was not a cruel person.

He came down the stairs carrying her gown. The guard swung the door open and he waltzed in. "Good morning, my dear."

Roseanne scrambled from her place at the window towards him, falling on her knees, "I beg of you, your majesty, for the sake of our sons. Please spare my life! Please, your majesty. Anything you wish I will do as long as you spare my life!" Her hands grasped his pants.

He pried her off and walked towards her bed, "I brought you something. I thought you'd like to have a new dress for your final exhibit."

Roseanne followed him, remaining on her knees, "I ask of you, mercy, in the name of holy God. Please, for my children, your majesty."

"The muse maids will do just fine. They managed to raise my eldest, Stefan, just as well. You know, my first wife is still alive. I kept her the dungeons because I spared her life. Never again, I say." Alvaro said, waving his hand in dismissal.

"I could not have done more wrong than her." Roseanne pleaded.

Alvaro's heart sank at the thought of his first wife. He had never stopped loving Mia. He shook his head, "You chose your path. You let a man into your bed. Mia was raped. Nothing more. You will get what you deserve within the hour. Will you need a confession?"

Roseanne stood, "No. God knows my sins and of my innocence. My brother will hear of this, Alvaro, and on my son's life, I will make sure you pay!"

Alvaro parted her cheek, "All is well, my little rose. I will make sure I have a good view of your death."

And with that, he left her to her screaming.


Her heart was pounding, head spinning, breathing labored. She held her head up as the Queen she was.

Her last moments would be her best.

Roseanne had finally found her peace in the world. She had tied up all the loose end of her life and prepared herself for death.

She stepped outside into the cold air, he blue dress trailing behind her. She pulled her cloak close to her body and looked up. "It is such a beautiful day."

The jailer cleared his throat and nodded, "Yes, majesty, it is."

Roseanne moved towards the stairs and began her descent to her awaiting doom. She could see the executioner standing at the block, proud and tall. Alvaro had managed to gather up a large crowd for her.

She raised her head up high and raised her skirts to start the climb up the stairs of the platform.

She could hear the people whisper, "Long love the Queen." And "God bless ye."

The executioner held out a hand to help her up. With a small smile, she accepted his help. "Thank you, good sir."

"Of course, majesty." He whispered, giving her a firm wink.

Roseanne looked upon the block and the basket where her head would go. She swallowed down the fear and turned to look at her ladies, "I would like to say a few words."

The executioner gestures towards the front.

She stepped up, feeling her legs begin to shake, "My good people. I pray God's mercy upon all of you, who have been such good people to me. I thank you for your kindness as I was your Queen. I pray the good King will care for m-my sons... and allow them to grow into the fine men." She took a deep breath in order to conceal her tremors, "And lastly, I pray that God will bless my country and their King, King Edward."

She could see Alvaro in the distance narrow his eyes and gesture at the executioner. He was angry, just as she wanted.

She turned to look at the man again, who nodded. Her ladies rushed forward and removed her cloak and headdress. One by one, Roseanne removed each jewel she wore and placed in the hand of her head lady in waiting.

She was left in her elegant gown and the white head covering. Right at the edge of the platform, she sank onto her knees and ran her hands along the edge of the block.

She look out over the crowd again and met eyes with a cloaked figures. Crystal blue orbs.

Her mouth opened to say something but the words faltered.

He was spared. He will not die with me.

The executioner gently pushed her head down, and she turned to the side. She took a deep breath and gripped the sides of he block.

"I love you, Jason." She whispered, hoping it was loud enough for him to hear.

She felt the air rush around her as the blade was lifted up and then pushed down.

And then it was black.


Jason stared up at Roseanne and watched in horror as her head rolled into the basket.

She hadn't been lucky, as most were. The blade had not gone all the way through, as it should. Instead, it went half way and left her in immense pain. She had screamed in pain, leaving Jason's ears raw, until the executioner had finally finished.

Florencia gripped his arm, hiding her face behind him. He could hear the tears falling from her delicate face.

"Larga vida a la reina!" A voice screamed in the crowd.

Jason closed his eyes as he heard the small skirmish behind him. He could hear the King desperately fighting for his life, trying to throw off the men as they dragged him to the executioner's block.

Alvaro twisted and turned right in front of Jason's view. Their eyes met. Jason gave him a large smile as his head met with the block.

And with a firm swing, Alvaro's head joined Roseanne's in the basket.

A red dress lady stood on the platform behind the body and called out, "I am your Queen. Queen Emilia, and I will serve you until the day I die. No longer will you suffer in poverty and fear. No longer will this country be a prison for I am your Queen."

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