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"He did what!" Annalisa nearly screeched as her son tried to shush her.

"Mother, he has not done anything yet. He just threatened to sell her to the Spaniard. Nothing is set in stone." Edward said in a hushed voice.

Annalisa's heart was pounding as she listened to her son tell her about his conversation with that of a bastard king.

"We cannot let him do that to her! Edward, we have to save our little girl." Annalisa cried, clinging to her son's arm.

Edward's brow scrunched together, "Mother, are you unwell?"

Annalisa shook her head, "Why would you think that?"

Edward leaned forward and grabbed her hands, "You just referred to Roseanne as our child. Mother, you do realize that she is not our child but my sister, right?"

Annalisa waved her hand as if to dismiss his claims, "Don't be silly, boy. It's been a long day and I have not had the time for much rest as I need these days. It's only natural that such things get mixed up in my mind."

Edward did not seem to accept what she said but he moved on and started to propose what he had planned for Roseanne.

"I cannot stay here much longer with Mary and Ross. Mary has been asking for us to establish our own home, away from the palace but I have been refraining from agreeing due to variable reason. Some of those containing you and Roseanne." Edward started, checking over his shoulder to make sure no one could hear them.

Annalisa tilted her head, "What about Henry? Do you not care about your own brother?"

Edward sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Mother, please, you know I adore Henry but he seems to take care of himself, he had a way of—"

"Adapting to the King's ways?" Annalisa suggested.

"Yes. Very much so." Edward agreed.

"You know, Drake was not always like this." Annalisa said, as she remembered the old Thomas Drake.

"I find that hard to believe, Mother. That man has always been bad from the very first memory I have of him." Edward scoffed, leaning back on his chair, as his father used to.

"Death has it's way with us, whether we like it or not. Unfortunately for the King, he lost two people very dear to him within a few hours. His first wife, a young French cousin of the late Countess Eleanor of Trimwood, died from a tragic accident. Not much later, he found you father—" Annalisa stopped and tried to keep herself from crying.

"Mother?" Edward voiced after a long silence.

Annalisa looked up at her son, "Yes?"

"I want to take Roseanne with us when we leave."

Annalisa's heart stopped briefly, "Y-You are leaving me?" She had always believed that her son would stay by her side, no matter what. It had been twenty-five years since moving into castle, though, and it only seemed realistic for him to leave her.

"I cannot stay with your husband lusting after my wife and selling off my sister, especially now that I have another child on the way."

Annalisa looked up, "You will deny me of being with my grandchild?"

"Mother, please! You can visit whenever you choose, you know that." Edward replied.

Annalisa stood and shook her head, "You cannot leave me here, Edward. Not with him, please."


"No, I will not accept it!" Annalisa cried as she turned away from him. She started to walk away from him so he could not continue their conversation but he grab her arm, gently, "Mama, please, just listen to me—"

Annalisa leaned in close, "You will not leave me like everyone else has! I will not let it happen, I swear it!"


Alvaro watched the Queen stumble away from her son in the courtyard and make her way towards the stairs.

"The Queen in unstable." He mused, watching the young Prince walk away in the other direction.

Isoba nodded, "It seems that winning her affection will be easier than you originally thought."

Alvaro pursed his lips together as he turned to Isoba, "I have already completely earned the King's trust. Why should I earn the Queen's if I have already accomplished the other half's trust?"

Isoba smiled, "You are quite right, majesty. Just a little whisper in the ear and you'll be free to do as you please."

"Perhaps you should prepare for us to arrive home earlier than we expected." Alvaro suggested, "I have the princess under my arm and the King under the other. All. I need to do is ask for a silver platter with a head on it and we will be home."

Isoba bowed deeply, "I shall write the captain immediately, señor."

Alvaro leaned against the balcony and watched his beautiful princess laugh along with her friends, dancing in a small circle.

"Soon, princessa, very soon you will be mine." He promised, before turning away.

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