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Roseanne could barely sleep that night after her mother's death was announced.

She could barely force herself to eat let alone enjoy herself. For the next week, Roseanne had kept herself within her chambers, refusing to see anyone.

She felt miserable.

Everywhere she went, she saw her mother. Every time she looked out her window, her mother's rose garden caught her eye. Everyone who came near her held that pity look in their eyes.

She hated it.

She wanted to leave the palace desperately.

Edward had started to pack up his things, the day after their mother's death, and had arranged for someone carry it off to their uncle.

Mary had spent her time begging Roseanne to go with them. She claimed that she needed someone to keep her company but Roseanne knew she was lying.

"I will stay here." She had declared, her chin held up high as her sister-in-law climbed into the carriage. Her mother's long time friend, Bridget, held her nephew in her arms, and stepped into the carriage beside Mary. Ever since Ross had been born, Mary had been pushing for her brother to move them out of the castle.

Today, it was finally happening. Her family was leaving her.

"Rose, I know you have this... attachment but I really think you should come with Mary and I to Uncle's. It will do you good and it will give you a chance to spend more time with Ross." Edward said, taking his sister's hand.

"I will come see Ross, very soon, I promise." She said, keeping her chin high. Somehow, as long as her chin was held high, she wouldn't cry.

"I do not want you here alone, Rose." Edward replied, looking back at the door.

"I will be fine. Jason is here, is he not?" She said, smiling widely.

The mention of Jason always caught Edward. No matter what the circumstances, Edward would always break a smile, even after the worst fights.

But this time, Edward did not smile. He simple stared at her, "I made a promise to protect you, Rose, but I also made a promise to my wife. The only way for me to keep both promises is if I force you to come with me."

Roseanne stomped her foot, "I refuse! I shall not go to Uncle's!"

Edward gripped his head, "Roseanne, you are acting like a child! Staying here will only remind you of mother and cause trouble for me!"

Roseanne knew he was right but she could not help but let her pride stand in the way of going with her brother. She was not going to run away like a hurt dog.

Roseanne narrowed her eyes at him, "I am not a child that needs you to watch me day and night, Edward."

Edward turned on his heel, away from her, and marched himself into the carriage with his wife without another word to her.

She watched as the carriage disappeared into the cloud of dust.

"Your brother has left you?" A voice asked from beside her.

Roseanne turned to look at the Spanish King with a smile, "He and his wife are going to see my Uncle with their child. My Uncle has not yet seen my nephew and it is about time he did."

"I see." The King mused, looking right at her.

His eyes were beautiful, like portals into another world. She couldn't help but fall into his gaze.

"I want to have our wedding soon." Roseanne said, looking down at her hands, "I want to go to Spain as soon as possible."

Alvaro smiled, "I will have the arrangements made, my rose."


Two days later, her ceremony was held. The King had been more than happy to oblige.

She was dressed in a heavy silk dress, with layers and layers of delicate lace. Her hair had been tugged into a tight knot on top of her head.

She nearly glowed as she made her way towards her soon-to-be husband, smiling. He looked so handsome in the uniform he had scrounged up. His dark eyes were glinting with excitement over their quickly nearing adventure.

She get the tears burn her eyes as she said her vows. Roseanne never thought, in her life, that a wedding could be emotional or serious until that moment. She had never imagined herself to be one to cry.

Alvaro barely blinked an eye as he said his vows back to her. She admired his serious demeanor, though it hurt her slightly. She wanted her husband to be just as emotional as she was.

Her friends, who had long since married, had said that a marriage was out of convenience, not love.

Her mother, on the other hand, had said that a properly picked marriage would be the best choice in the world.

The night passed like a blur. People swarmed around them, throwing congratulations left and right. Her new husband made sure that she had an endless supply of champagne.

And by the end of the night, her nervousness had overtaken her.

"Where are we going?" She giggled as Alvaro lead her down the hall.

Alvaro smiled softly at her, "No where you need to concern yourself of, my rose."

"Oh?" She questioned, stopping shortly.

Her mind was fuzzy. She could barely think a coherent thought but there was something in the way Alvaro talked to her that caused fear to ignite. Every part of her was screaming to turn back.

"Come, Roseanne. We have things to accomplish before the night is over. We must make haste." He hissed, tugging on her hand.

Roseanne furrowed her brows, "You are scaring me, Alvaro. Why are you talking to me this way?"

Alvaro sighed, though he looked more annoyed than sorry, "I am just overwhelmed, my love. Come along now."

Roseanne stumbled up to him, "Okay."

Alvaro smiled, touching her nose with his finger, "That's a good girl."

And with that, the two of them disappeared behind closed doors.

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