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Jason stared at the letter before him, unable to form words.

He had spent the night making love to the only woman he would ever love. He had risked his life to show her the true side of him and give her all I had.

He had come back to his room in a better mood than he had been in and years, feeling completed and loved. He came back to his room, ready to dream of another life, but instead was handed a nightmare.

Edward had written— nearly a month ago, asking for aide. He was in desperate need of help and Jason was needed.

He had to leave.

He hadn't been prepared for this. He wasn't ready to leave her but he had a loyalty to his King and country— even if his King wasn't king yet.

He stood, throwing the letter on the table and walked towards the secret door in the wall. He paused, his hand hovering about the lever, his mind racing.

What if he saw something he did not want to see? What if she set him up? What if he decided at her doorstep to betray the one man he had been loyal to his whole life?

Jason shook his head and trudged into the dark tunnel. He followed the path to Roseanne's chambers, slowly pushing the door open.

He watched in horror as his angel— the one woman in his life— touched the face of the King, like an old lover. His heart wrenched in his chest.

Betrayal took over and his heart froze.

No more would Jason waste his life trying to love an impossible woman. No more would he waste his life protecting the girl who had an army to watch her.

No more would Jason stay within Spain.


Roseanne ran frantically down the steps of the palace, trying to race against time. Her dress fluttered uncontrollably behind her, "Hold the carriage!"

She had been awoken by the sound of the approaching carriage and the all to familiar voice barking orders. She had stopped a maid, in a frantic state, asking her who was outside.

Roseanne had never ran so fast in her life.

She held her hand up to show to guards that she wanted them to stop. "Jason!" She called out, to the person in the carriage.

His eyes met her, the mellow grey meeting hers, "My Queen."

She missed the blue eyes. She missed his charming smile. She missed the old Jason.

She reached out to touch his arm. Feeling his arm tense under her touch.

"C-can we talk in private please?" She whispered, her eyes lowering from his gaze.

Jason cocked his head to the side, "Anything for you, your majesty."

His words came out bitter, despite his soft faced features. She felt the sting of his words echo in her veins, painfully coursing throughout her system.

She brought him back into the palace and into her sitting room, her heart racing. She knew that this could be the last time she would ever see Jason.

"You heard—" Roseanne started but Jason cut her off.

"He's your husband. You have a duty and nothing to apologize for." He snapped, sitting himself down on the couch.

"Then why are you angry?" She hissed, throwing her hands up in defeat, "You we're leaving— possibly for good— and you didn't even tell me! I gave you my heart and my body. I would have moved to world for you."

Jason scoffed, "If anyone gave anything, it was me. Your husband would have me executed within a moments notice but you— Jesus, I was so stupid to think that you could ever love me."

Roseanne watched as he buried his head in his hands. Her heart tore itself to pieces. She couldn't believe he would say something like that. She has risked her life to love him and here he sat, blaming her for her faults.

Never would she dare to call him out for his faults.

"I gave you everything I had to give! I gave my heart and my love. I cannot give you my body for it belongs to another man and yet, my heart belongs to you and you alone. He threatened me with my son, my child." She sobbed, pressing her hands to her chest, "I could not deny him in fear of my child's safety."

Jason shook his head, "I can't believe you would use Esteban as an excuse. I know exactly why you submitted, my beautiful rose."

Roseanne gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. Those three words were the only thing that made her feel like a Queen. She knew she was special when Alvaro would call her that.

"Get out." She hissed, pointing at the door.

Jason stood, making his way towards the door, "I may never be able to forgive you, Roseanne, but you will forever be my one true love." He whispered before closing the door.

Roseanne fell to the floor, gasping for air as she sobbed.

The door cracked open, showing a concerned Alvaro, "What happened?"

She lurched forward, pressing her face into her skirts, "Leave." She sobbed, clutching the bodice of the dress.

Alvaro stepped forward, "Your friend left, I see—"

Roseanne picked up a nearby book and chunked it at him, "Get out! Get out you bastard! Leave me to die!" She screamed.

She knew she was playing with fire— threatening her husband was dangerous. She couldn't care less, though. The pain the overtook her was unbearable. She did not have the strength to face her problems.

She just wanted to cry.

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