Part 17

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"Never was a blind person blinded by the light that overwhelms his skin but blinded by the darkness within"

-Goitsemang Mvula


"Daniel, can I have a word with you?" My art teacher Mr.Schindler said stopping me before I could leave out the door.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Schindler was a good teacher and all but he wasn't afraid to let me know that he expected more from me on a daily.

Eventually, you get sick of hearing that you're not good enough.

"Sure," I said agreeing only because I didn't want to seem rude to the person who controls my one passing grade.

I slowly turned and walked towards him.

"I think you should consider taking Advanced Studio Art next year." He said as he looked at me with his almost black eyes.

Schindler was a middle-aged man with very little hair left on his head and round glasses on his face.

I sighed. This wasn't the first time he has tried to pressure me to take the higher level art class.

I was really getting tired of his shit but he wasn't taking no for an answer.

"I don't think that class is right for me," I said choosing my words carefully as I glanced towards the clock.

"And, why not?" He asked. He was being nosy and it was annoying.

"I'm just not that interested in art." I lied smoothly.

I had no reason for not taking the class besides the fact that I didn't feel like it. I don't want to get into the higher level class only to find out I'm still not good enough.

"That's bullshit and we both know it." He said calling me out on my lie.

It was strange to hear a teacher swearing at me. It was like seeing a flying whale juggle, it just didn't seem right.

Then again, when he wasn't criticizing me, Schindler has always been a pretty laid back teacher.

"What's it gonna take for you to get off my back about this?" I asked him straightforward.

I just wanted to be done with this conversation.

Emma was waiting for me.

Well so were Devon, Levi, and Micheal but I didn't care about making them wait for me.

Schindler smirked at me as if I had done what he wanted.

"Actually there is one thing I'd like you to do." He said taking something from his desk.

I didn't reply as I waited for him to elaborate further.

I was quickly losing my patience with the pushy man.

He handed me a packet.

"There is an art competition coming up. You are to create your very own collection with the subject matter being life. The minimum is 5 pieces the maximum is 25 pieces. The submission deadline is the first week of December." He said quickly.

That was a little more than three weeks away. Not nearly enough time to make a full collection of works.

I guess I'd have to work quickly if I ever wanted to get done in time.

"You and your parents are gonna have to fill out that paperwork to register, you can bring the artwork you'd like to enter to me and I'll send it in." He said finishing explaining.

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