Chapter 3- edited

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At first, I felt nothing, but then I felt anger starting to rise inside me and I began to shake. Ice Giants were presented to everyone as child killing monsters. However, my anger wasn't because of that, but because my father, or my sister, who must have known, never told me that I was one. Nevertheless, it was quite obvious if you thought about it. Of course, I wasn't half as big as an Ice Giant, but as the School Leader said that my size was the reason they left me to die.

"That's impossible. I look normal. My size is normal. I'm neither blue nor covered in ice," I said, trying to prove him wrong. I didn't want to be a creature like that.

Everybody knew about the ancient war of Fire Giants against the Ice Giants. It was the first war ever to be fought, and it started before humans existed. However, once humans started taming dragons and Riders appeared, a powerful rider captured them and put them in a different world. It was said that the capturer is still alive, but refuses to live among other humans. Legend says that many tried finding him, but he is somewhere in the Outlands, a land where neither humans nor Ogres live. A place where true monsters live, the place of danger. Nobody who went to find him came back.

"You were in your true Aspect when you were a baby. You don't know how it feels to be in that Aspect, so you can't shift into it. In order for you to be able to change your Aspect, you must either be touched by an Ice Giant, or feel the power of the Essence of Ice, which is heavily guarded on this School. Therefore, you will probably never be able to turn into one. Think about this.

"Now, you wanted to apply for the Army Commander post. School starts in a week. I hope to choose one by then. You will come here every day along with the other students who apply. Every day at 5 pm. That's in 3 hours. You will be tested in strategy, fast thinking and things like that. If there's no more questions, you can return to your friends," he said.

I wasn't thinking about anything except how I hated everyone who knew the truth and didn't tell me. I got up and practically ran out of the office, trying not to slam the door behind me. I remembered the way clearly, and I was there in no time. Tanya had already finished her testing and was looking at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry..." she started, but I refused to hear her out, as stubborn as I always was.

"How long have you known? Why didn't you tell me? Who else knew? The whole village?" Never had I felt as angry as that moment. The shouts hurt my throat, but my anger was stronger than my pain. I felt betrayed, betrayed by someone I thought was my sister.

"Medea, listen to me! It was for the best," she tried reasoning, but all of the emotions I wasn't used to feeling blinded me.

"What? For the best? Were you afraid that I would kill you in your sleep? Were you afraid that I'd go berserk and slaughter the whole village? Huh? Were you, now?"

"No! Medea, I trust you..."

"You should NOT trust me! I will never forgive you, Tanya! You could have told me, but instead, I lived my whole life surrounded by nothing but lies! Father loved only you, and I was jealous! But not anymore! You are not my sister, you never were and you will never be!" I shouted, feeling tears of betrayal, possibly anger and sadness, streaming down my face.

Tanya just put her head down. I saw a tear slide down her face, but I didn't care. Wave and the others went to her and talked soothingly. As always, no one even looked at me. When they did, their eyes were filled with hatred and a trace of disappointment. How could they pity her, but not me, who was the one who deserved it? Nevertheless, I didn't want anybody to pity me. I only wished for respect, and when I started gaining it, this had to happen.

"Enough! All of you go find your room! Medea, such behaviour will not be tolerated! You will be in a room alone. I will not give you detentions, just this punishment. Go. Now. An alarm bird will call tomorrow at dawn. An hour after that will be breakfast. After breakfast, we will go and hatch your eggs. You will find your name on the room you belong to," she said. I growled and stormed out of the hallway. Being alone in the room was actually a good thing for me, since I enjoyed having privacy. I followed the signs quickly and found the dormitories. I had to go up the Fate stairs, and the girls' rooms were on the right. I realized she mentioned an alarm bird. I had no idea what that was... Was it an actual bird?

There were many doors on each side, and my room was near the end. I knew that because it had my name on it. I put my hand on the doorknob and the door opened instantly. I went in and looked around. Ahead of me was a short hallway with doors on both sides and an opening at the end. I went through the opening and found myself in a smaller living room. One door led to a bathroom without a shower. One led to a bedroom with a large bed and a worktable. There was also a wardrobe full of green-red things.

Red was the colour of my part, so I had to wear it as well as my usual green and black combination.

When I was dressed, I sat on the couch to think about what was happening to me. The headmaster said that there was a thing called Essence of ice. On the school. I set a goal to myself to find that Essence. I had no idea what it looked like or where to find it, but I was certain that it was outside the school building. He didn't say that it was in the building, and the school is also the grounds around the building. Probably underground, since I didn't see any armies. Maybe the entrance to the underground tunnels is inside of the building. Maybe it's not even underground. I sighed and decided to explore the school a little.

I was taking a lot of turns, stairs, and doors. After about 2 hours of exploring, I already knew the layout of the school. Then the alarm bird called. It was loud. I knew that it was time for the meeting in the headmaster's office.

I found his office easily. Inside were a few older students and nobody from the first year. They talked quietly among themselves when I entered. I was still angry, but I managed to calm down enough to participate. I hoped to win and get some power over those who did me wrong.

"Now that you are all here, we will begin. Now,strategies. I have some situations written here, so you will read them and tellme what you would do." 2I߂(b

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