Chapter 36 (edited)

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Medea's eyes were red as she flew over Stone Tooth. She was completely absorbed by her dark side, and the only thing occupying her mind was death.

However, as she drew near her village of birth, she felt something trying to break through inside of her- the human side. This happened a few times before, so she just supressed it, but it was strong, and she growled in annoyance.

Areton was always trying to convince her that she was wrong, but he was too influenced by her thoughts to be able to do something, so he followed her loyally, hoping that she'd come to her senses. Until then, he decided to be her protector. He loved her and didn't want her to die. He felt Medea's love too; the only human emotion that she had left.

Citro was in the lead with his stolen dragon. They had an army of a hundred elite soldiers, the best of the best.

They were sure that victory was theirs. Medea supressed the resistance inside of her even further and it became weaker, so she let it go. She couldn't be bothered by that anymore. Citro signalled for ten soldiers to land, while the rest flew over making sure there were no enemies. They were expecting the King's men to defend the village, but they all knew that the King's men were weak, and there weren't many, since most preferred to stay at the School and go on missions set there.

Medea looked around and saw 30 of the King's men on dragons with white armour flying towards them.

"Thirty of the King's riders. Group 8, take them down!" she ordered to ten of her soldiers. They obediently changed direction and flew towards the King's men in an offensive formation. Medea was sure that there would be more men around, and by Citro's head moving left and right, she guessed he was aware of that possibility as well.

Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice coming from below her.

"Medea! Come here!" Jack said. She hadn't heard that voice in a long time, and she felt her heart starting to beat faster, but she managed to calm it down.

It seemed that she was the only one who heard him. He was probably inviting her on a duel. She smirked.

"I'll be right back," she said to the rest and flew into the forest from where she heard Jack's voice. She dismounted Areton and told him to follow her. He barely fit into the trees, but he managed to walk without knocking them down.

"This way," she heard Jack say, not far away. She and Areton followed the direction the voice came from until they reached a clearing. In the middle of the clearing stood Jack.

"Hello, Medea," he said, looking at her with teary eyes. Medea felt a pang in her heart, but she wasn't about to pity him. He was an obstacle, and he needed to be removed.

"You invited me here to fight?" She asked with a smirk. Jack's expression saddened.

"No, I hoped you'd come to your senses, but I guess we will have to fight," he said. Medea laughed. He had no chance against a Datonx.

Jack readied his bow and shot, but it stopped just before reaching Medea's eye.

"Nice aim," she said and pulled her sword out, launching herself at him with a growl.

She swung her sword, and he barely dodged, managing to pull out his sword. Both of the dragons were just watching, as ordered by their masters.

Medea kicked Jack's hand, knocking the sword out of his hands along with the sound of bones breaking. Jack roared in pain, and he started glowing, most likely healing himself.

Medea kicked him again, this time in the chest. He fell on the ground, and she got ready to finish him.

"Stop!" she heard a voice say, and a young boy ran towards her, sword raised.

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