Chapter 18 (edited)

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The next day, someone knocking on my door awakened me.

"Who is it?" I called out, as I tried to untangle myself from the covers. It wasn't dawn yet.

"It's me," someone said. I recognized the voice as Jack's.

"What is it?" I said, moving to open the door. He was still in his pyjamas as well.

"They moved the Tournament! It's today! The team fighting is today! First match starts after breakfast. It's us against Earthquake, then Earthquake against Tornado, then us against Tornado! Hurry up, Josh wants us in the dining hall now, then straight to the roof to prepare ourselves and a dragon- a morning flight," he said urgently.

"Why was it moved?" I asked. The competitions were usually in the middle of the year.

"I don't know! Now go!" he said and ran off to his room. I closed the door and dressed quickly, and then I ran to the hall.

Josh, Maria and Felix were already there, and I sensed Jack not far behind me.

"Eat! Now!" Josh ordered, stuffing food in his mouth. I nodded and began eating. I wasn't hungry, and I was nervous.

"Eat something- all three matches are today, so you'll need it even if you're in dark form," Jack said as he sat down beside me. I nodded again and started eating faster, but I ended up eating less than I usually do.

Josh stood up when we were all done, and we followed him to the roof. We arrived there at eight, just as the morning alarm went off.

"Earthquake and Tornado aren't informed yet. We are thanks to Snow. Now mount and we'll fly," he said. We all nodded and everyone ran to their dragon. I reached Areton quickly and saddled him. He was happy to see me and wanted to lick my face, but I told him that there was no time. He felt my urgency and let me climb on.

Josh took off, and so did we. I was last, since everyone was flying quickly, and Areton had to struggle to keep up. I tried sending him energy from myself, but he didn't want to take it. I sensed that he enjoyed the fast flight, so I let him fly.

We finished our flight soon and went straight to the arena. Students were already gathering, trying to get the best seat. Every part had its seats, and Fate was already cheering loudly. We landed, and Earthquake students hurried towards the arena. The Headmaster was standing in the middle. Jack motioned for me not to get off Areton as Josh got off his dragon.

"Josh hid the flag before breakfast; maybe you'll see it. He didn't have time to hide it well. I know where it is, and you'll probably find the Earthquake's flag fast. They didn't have much time either. When a team hides the flag, it becomes invisible until the match starts. That is so that the opposing team doesn't find it before the start," he said.

"Okay," I said as Josh and Earthquake's leader shook hands. Josh climbed back onto his dragon, and as the Headmaster blew the whistle, he took off. The rest of the teams did the same. Areton and I flew up, until we were above everyone else. I saw their archer targeting me, so we dived down and the arrow missed me. I saw Jack's arrow miss their guardian by a hair.

I shifted myself into a hawk, which improved my vision and mobility greatly. I flew a bit lower, and their team thought that I was still on Areton.

I flew lower and lower, dodging Josh or someone's sword as I spotted the flag. It was hidden by the very edge of the arena. I sped up, and changed into myself as I was above the flag. I grabbed it before I landed, and fireworks went off, signalling the end. Fate cheered, and Earthquake were quiet. Areton landed beside me, and licked my face when he felt my excitement. The others landed beside me, congratulating me. It was a short match, but that was because none of the teams had time to prepare. Jack managed to get one of their chargers down, so Felix got their archer.

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