Chapter 8 (edited)

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"Medea, stop!" He yelled as he tried to keep me down. I was hissing and growling, trying to break free. I knew that they would imprison me or maybe even kill me because of what I am. I knew that I had to get away from the school.

"Liars! You told me that I was an Ice Giant! I'm not! I'm something even worse!" I hissed and tried to summon a shadow, but without success. I was too angry to do anything except thrash around.

"Medea, I'm sorry. The headmaster told me who you truly are and he asked me to be your mentor. You know about the war against the light and dark. Atonxies, or Purebloods, as you call them, are pure creatures of light. We have all the Elements except Darkness. You are a Datonx, a creature of darkness. After years of fighting and Datonxies causing chaos, Atonxies killed all of the Datonxies.

"But now you came up, the only known one of your kind. The family that adopted you was told that you were an Ice Giant. Nobody knew except the headmaster... and your adopted father. Both Atonxies and Datonxies are immortal beings. They stop aging when they turn twenty, but Datonxies always stay... kind of childish and arrogant, really.

"Datonxies have two forms. The form in which you are now is more powerful than your human-like one. Your Elements are more powerful and your physical abilities are enhanced. I will train with you and help you control and use your other form. Will you let me help you?"

I calmed a little while he was talking. I understood why they didn't tell me the truth, but that didn't mean I wasn't angry.

"I will," I said. He let go of me and I stood up. My fangs were still out, and I was still thinking about escaping. I was about to start running again, but I stopped myself.

"Good. We will tell the students what you are at dinner. They need to know. I'm sure they'll accept you, but we can't really keep this a secret and in two days, we will start training with dragons. So that's a thing to look forward to. Now I want you to come with me to the training fields. You're much stronger than I thought. I barely kept you down. By the way, your sister is a Pureblood. Right now, the headmaster is telling her what she is and what you are. I thought you needed to know."

I got a little angry at the mention of Tanya. It didn't surprise much that she was a Pureblood, but I couldn't be mad at her... She did nothing wrong, actually.

I followed Tynan to the training fields. We were doing same things we did before, only that he was having trouble winning. He still didn't have much trouble, though. He was much older and much more experienced. My form was very strong, but not enough to beat him. After that, we fought with using only our Elements. That was hard for me since I only knew how to summon a shadow, but controlling it was much easier in my stronger form.

"Enough. You did well," Tynan said after hours of training. "You may leave."

I nodded. I noticed that I was back to my humanlike form once I relaxed a little. I was still confused by everything that happened, but I was too tired to ask questions and get bothered much by it.

"Next time, I'll be better."


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