Chapter 13 (edited)

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Areton let out an excited yelp as he started running towards the rooftop edge. I was in my dark form, but I was afraid in spite of it. I kept thinking that he wouldn't be able to carry me as well and that we would fall. I looked behind me and saw Tynan climbing on a white dragon five times the size of Areton.

I knew that dragons grew quickly the first few days, and then they grew more slowly. In spite of that, Tynan's dragon looked like a mountain. My attention snapped back to Areton and myself as I noticed that he was jumping off the edge. I gripped the saddle harder, making my knuckles go white.

We were falling. I thought that we were going to die, but then Areton spread his wings, slowing the fall and as we were about to hit the ground, he started flapping them and we were rising instead of falling.

The rhythm of his wings seemed clumsy at first, but it became steadier each second. My fear began leaving me as excitement and enjoyment filled me. The emotions weren't just mine. I knew that Areton shared them too. They were stronger than my fear, and they replaced it.

I turned around to see Tynan giving me a thumbs up while smiling. I smiled back and focussed on what was in front of me again. Areton was rising quickly, and soon we were above the clouds. If I were in my human form, I would have been barely able to breathe. But my dark form made it possible for me to be this high, since I didn't need much oxygen while in it.

Tynan and his dragon suddenly appeared next to us.

"Follow me! Areton and you are going to attack some targets! With his fire, of course!" Tynan yelled over the wind. The only reason that I was able to hear him was because of my enhanced hearing. I nodded and sent Areton a thought of us following Tynan and his dragon. More of an image, actually. I was surprised that Areton sent me back the same thoughts before turning around and following them.

After a few seconds, I could see the targets. They were rather big, and I guessed that they were beginner targets. I sent Areton a thought of him shooting them with fire. He sent it back, and I figured out that it was a sign of agreement.

As we approached them, I felt Areton tense up as he let out a breath. At first, there was no fire, but then small flames started appearing. I could feel his excitement as the flames became bigger and they covered the targets.

I saw Tynan nod and motion for me to follow. I told that to Areton, and we were after them. As we approached the roof, I saw the other first year students waiting next to their dragons, some smiling, some cheering, and a few of them giving me a mean look.
That morning, I figured out how people knew when I switched forms. I noticed that my left eye turned red.

We landed next to Tynan and his dragon, and I dismounted with ease. When we landed, Tanya approached me.

"That was awesome! Your dragon obeyed you completely and he could breathe fire already!" she said excitedly. As I was about to answer, she was called by her mentor.

"What your dragon did was rare. The fact that you're a creature of darkness made your connection stronger and made him able to use his magic sooner. Now watch as all of the other students try and fail," Tynan said to me as we sat next to our dragons. I watched students fly, one by one. Their dragons were going all over the place, and none could breathe fire.

I wasn't paying much attention until it was Tanya's turn. Her dragon obeyed her almost as well as Areton did me. I smiled when I saw that she was doing well. When it was time for targets, her dragon managed to let out small flames.

She went straight to me when she landed, and we shared our experiences eagerly.

We were discussing best ways of communication with our dragons when I heard the alarm. The stranger warning.

I stood up immediately as Tynan and I ordered students around. I told Tanya to stay with me as we organized them. The alarm meant that there was a dragon and a rider approaching. I stepped to the edge of the roof and saw a black dragon in the sky. I pulled my sword out as he went lower and lower. Finally, it landed and its rider jumped down. I felt Tynan's hand on my shoulder.

"Stop. It's Snow," he said as a hooded figure approached me. Snow... The name was familiar. He pulled his hood off and I stopped breathing when I realized who it was. When I realized that he was a friend that I thought was dead.

"Nice to see you again, Medea. I'm on a mission for a few months, and they replaced me already. Well, I hope that you'll be a good War Commander," he said, a cloth still covering his mouth.

Snow and I were best friends when we were 5 years old. We went to a forest one day, and we were attacked. Snow died that day, or at least that's what I thought. He looked just as I remembered him. Short, puffy brown hair, brown eyes, but with a new scar over the eye. He had a katana strapped at his back.

"B-but... how? I thought you were dead," I said, still in disbelief. He chuckled and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back.

"I guess that the headmaster can wait. I'll tellyou my story first."taX:

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