Chapter 19 (edited)

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I don't remember much of the things that happened afterwards, but I remember lots of cheering and a giant feast in our honour. I remember eating, and then somehow I found myself in front of the Headmaster's office along with Tanya, Jack and Snow.

"Why are we here?" Snow asked. Everyone looked as confused as I felt.

"I don't know," Jack answered.

"We should probably go in," I said as I approached the door. I was aware of a strange silence surrounding us. My footsteps were quiet and made almost no noise. Only our breathing could be heard.
As I was about to open the door, it opened by itself. I was startled, so I jumped back, barely holding in a yelp. We exchanged glances and stepped inside.

The Headmaster was sitting in his chair, but he wasn't alone. The strange disappearing girl was there, as well. She was sitting on a chair at the Headmaster's table, writing something.

"Close the door, will you?" she said, her gaze still on the scroll she was writing on. Snow nodded and closed the door.

"Why are you all so quiet?" The Headmaster asked cheerfully.

"I invited you here. That's why you came," the strange girl said, a smirk appearing on her face when she saw how surprised we were. Her smirk reminded me of the one I used to wear all the time, before I came here and discovered my dark form.

"I'm positive you can smile still," she said.

"Stop reading my mind!" I said angrily.

"Oh, I apologize- didn't know your boyfriend was so protective of you," she said, looking at Jack. I widened my eyes, ready to pull my sword out and kill her.

"How dare you say that?" Jack asked.

"Now, now, stop!" the Headmaster said. "It's a bad habit of hers. She has a very strong Mind Element. Still, it doesn't justify your actions, Fox," he added, firing the girl a stern look. She scowled at the mention of her name.

"You know that I disapprove of that name," she said, the smile gone from her face.

"It is a name given to you, and it is the name you'll keep," the Headmaster said. Fox stood up and brought more chairs from the corner of the room.

"Sit," she said. We obeyed immediately. We were tired, and I remember feeling lost in thought since we entered the office. I felt disconnected. Then I stopped, and I felt normal again. It was like waking up, and the others seemed like they felt the same.

"What wa..." Tanya started, but she was cut off by Fox.

"A necessary precaution. Now listen to what the Headmaster has to say," she said. I still had questions about her. Was she still a student? What was her age? I couldn't guess by looking at her.

"You could call me a student, but I'm not one. I don't have a mentor because of... an accident." She felt uncomfortable with the theme. "You could say that I'm a few years older than you are, Medea. But time isn't a reliable thing," she said. Again, nothing was clear. She was reading my mind again, and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Now, will you please listen to what I have to say?" the Headmaster said and we nodded.
"Okay. As you know, we have been in a War with Ogres for a long time, yes? And we fought against Fire and Ice giants, but there's a bigger threat facing bot Ogres and Humans. Fox, bring some water," he said. Fox rolled her eyes, but a glass of water appeared in front of us. Mind Element was really strong.

"There's a human- a man that used to be fair, brave and strong. He was going to this school, and I was still a mentor at the time. His mentor. He was... he was a Datonx. You're not the only one, Medea. I used thought to have him control his form, and he did. He was a good warrior, and won us many battles against Ogres.

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