Chapter 6 (edited)

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By the end of our 2-hour practice, I managed to keep my shadow standing beside me for 15 minutes. We stopped training at the sound of the lunch bell. During our training, I got friendly with Jack and actually had fun. He showed me how to change only a certain part of your body into an animal part, but I couldn't do it, of course. It was too advanced.

"I wonder who my mentor is going to be," I said as we walked towards the dining hall.

"My mentor is pretty nice. He is strict, but he always helps me. Every mentor does. I'm sure that a good one will choose you," he said. Still, I had my doubts.

We sat at different tables at lunch, since he was in second year. I sat at my usual place. As I was about to start eating, the woman whose name I still didn't know came in and over to our table.

"You will get mentors today instead of tomorrow. A school tradition is to give each student a mentor that will train with him/her. Eat quickly, dress nicely and come here right after you dress. Use your formal uniforms."

Today? That was too soon. I ate quickly and ran to my room along with the rest of the students.

My room felt empty, but I ignored the feeling of loneliness as I chose a green and black formal uniform. I put a red badge with my part's symbol on it- a brown bear whose fur tips were flame. I put my daggers, which were what my mother left, on my waist belt. They were excellent quality blades, silver with green hilts. Then I ran down to the dining hall. I was among the first students to arrive, but of course, Tanya was there before me. In a few minutes, all of us were there.

"The reason you are getting your mentors today is that a Pureblood is with them. He will look you over and he might choose someone. The chances are very small, but it's possible. They will be here in a few minutes. The Pureblood will come in first, flanked by guards. I'm sure that he would gladly dismiss them, but rules are rules. When he comes in, bow, then the mentors will choose."

Right as she finished speaking, the great doors opened and the Pureblood stepped in. He looked to be about 20 years old. He had messy brown hair, blue eyes, and a handsome face. His look was serious, and he looked strongly built, most likely used to fighting and killing. I noticed a sword on his waist, but I also saw a hilt of a dagger peeking out a little. He was scanning, keeping his gaze for some time on each of us. Behind him were other mentors, but none of them looked important next to the Pureblood. He stepped back and nodded to other mentors, motioning for them to go first.

A blonde haired woman chose Tanya immediately, and she went to stand by her side happily. After a few minutes, only a few of us remained, and the Pureblood hadn't chosen anybody yet. He probably wouldn't choose anyone at all.

Only two of us remained. What if nobody chose me? A few mentors that were left were looking at Nick, who was the other student left. I felt my shadow starting to rise on its own, probably because I was anxious, but I managed to put it back before it fully emerged. That seemed to have caught the Pureblood's attention, because he looked directly at me.

"You," he said, still looking at me. He chose me? I smiled widely and went to stand by his side. He was much taller than I was, and I felt even smaller than I usually do. I was too shocked to see who chose Nick, but I heard the woman talking.

"Now your mentors will take you to the training field, just to see your skills. In 2 days, you will finally be able to see your dragons again, and in 3 days, you will be able to fly them. Your mentors will instruct you on everything. Good luck."

"Your Element is rare," my mentor said. I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded.

"I'm also a Shapeshifter," I added, not wanting to look stupid. This time, he was the one who nodded.

"Remind me, which way is the training field? I haven't been here in a long time," he said.

"This way," I said as I pointed in the opposite direction we were facing. He motioned for me to lead the way, and I did just that.


I led the way towards the training fields. I was starting to relax a little.

"What's your favourite weapon?" The man asked me.

"I use daggers and knives, sir," I said.

"Call me Tynan. I know that you are Medea. Don't ask how," he said. "Daggers are good; I enjoy using them myself. You will show me your skill with daggers by fighting me. Then you will show what you can do with your Element. I'm sure that you know how to do something by now, although not many students do, but as your mentor, I expect from you only the best," he added.

Well, if he wants me to be the best, no problem with me. That was my goal, anyways.

"Yes, Tynan," I said.

After what seemed like hours, we reached the fields. This time Tynan took the lead and led me to an empty part, which was hard to find, for all the mentors and students were there.

"Defend yourself," he said. I drew my daggers just in time to block his. He attacked with another one just afterwards, and that one I barely dodged. I hoped that he wouldn't hurt me, since he was obviously a better and more experienced fighter. I glanced at the other students and saw none of them fighting their mentors. They were all fighting training dummies. I dodged another attack and saw that he wasn't protecting his belly. I lunged at him, but it was a trap. He dodged and attacked me while I was trying to find my balance, getting behind me and putting his dagger at my throat.

"Not bad. You do have skills," he said as he let me go. Truth to be told, I felt embarrassed to be beaten so easily, but really that was to be expected.

"Now show me what you can do with your Elements. Shift into a raven."

I nodded and concentrated on that energy within me. I imagined myself turning into a raven, and when I opened my eyes again, I was one. I flew up and in circles around Tynan.

"Now turn back into yourself."

How do I turn back into myself? The only time I shifted shape, I turned into myself when I ran out of energy. I concentrated on my energy and stopped the flow. I managed to shift back into myself, but I forgot that I was flying, so I fell down, barely landing on my feet in a crouch.

"Have you tried anything with Darkness?" he asked.

"Yes. I can make my shadow stand beside me," I said as I put my shadow there and made it wave. It was easier than before, but still required a lot concentration. I let my shadow go when Tynan nodded.

"Impressive. You look exhausted. You are dismissed. I expect you here right after breakfast. I'll teach you something about Ogres and then we will train," he said. I nodded and turned around, going for the school. I saw Jack looking at me near the entrance, so I went to him.

"You're lucky! You got a Pureblood as your mentor! By the way, your fight was awesome! You were holding your ground for a long time."

"He beat me too fast," I said, still not sure.

"No. You were great! Now let me show you the gameroom." xtensih')

The School of Dragon Riders [Dragon Riders #1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz