Chapter Fifty Nine

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A/N - Hey guys, first off: yeah, I know I suck. It's been over two weeks since my last post. Which is unsightly for me. But, between two jobs and strep throat, life has been quite a big nightmare as of yet. Also, I got a lot of writer's block for how I wanted to write this, as is common with more cool-down type chapters.

Anyhow, first! The competition has officially drawn to a close. I read over all your results and actually couldn't pick two winners all by myself because I loved them all so much. <3 So thank you guys for that. For the winners, I actually had to get outside help from a literary major.

The two winners to the contest were kassidy__amylyn and KrazyKyra48!

Thank all of you that entered, and here in a couple days, I'll have you all followed and if you will, just sent me the link for the story you wish me to read and comment on! Thanks everyone for the participation!

Before I get on with the chapter, I painted a picture of young Cricket for all you to look at, as a sort of apology for the long wait. Hope you enjoy it and the chapter!

 Hope you enjoy it and the chapter!

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Azabela just thought about the question for a long minute before saying, "That's an unfair thing to ask me."

Renna raised a brow, almost in surprise. "Is it? Do you have no answer, then?"

"How about this?" the huntress shot a look at her betrothed. "Your niece is the most inspiring person I have ever had the privilege of knowing. She was brave enough to live again and believe again after what happened to her, and that has always been so miraculous to me, from the moment I found her. She's beautiful -even if she'd rather pull her teeth than admit it, and she's strong. She's the kindest person I believe I've ever met. Rhalla doesn't mock, she doesn't judge, she doesn't anger unnecessarily, and while it may be true she doesn't give out her love so easily... when she does, it's full-hearted and loyal to a fault. "

Renna nodded. "While that may be true, that's not an answer. That's not giving me any reason that tells me you deserve to marry her."

"You're right," Azabela conceded, and met Hench's eyes. "It's giving you every reason that I don't." She looked back to Renna. "No one in this world will ever be good enough for Rhalla. All I can tell you is that I am very much in love with every single piece of her, and I will love her until the end of time. I would kill and die for her if I had to. That's my defense."

"Fair enough. Good answer," Renna conceded. "How about you tell me about yourself then?"

"Anything in specific or just general facts?"

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