i hate you ~ Reader x Dean

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(First person point of view)

"Sammy! Watch out!" Some yelled from a room to my left.
I ran along, trying to find this so called 'Sammy' in the abandon warehouse.

I burst open the door to find two tall men, who both looked like they could be in their mid twenties, one fighting a set of Vetalas, the other tied up in a chair.
I run at one of them, stabbing it with my dagger in the heart, and then twisting it. Then I go to the second one, grabbing and twisting.

"Hey pretty lady, I think we could've handled it." The one with the sparkling candy apple eyes tells me.
"Huh... seems like you were struggling to take on one while your friend over here was tied up..." I tell them, a smirk attempting to escape my lips.
I raise my eyebrows and wait for him to speak. He smiles a bit, then turns around.

"But in all seriousness, thanks for saving our asses. I'm Sam," The other guy says, standing up after his friend cut him free from his ties. "and this is my brother, Dean." He finished.
I smiled back at him, "No problem," I said, nodding, "I'm (y/n). And it was nice meeting you guys, maybe I'll see you around." I tell them, getting out of that warehouse.

--your next hunt--

Right before I killed the Wendigo, it stretched into my chest, exposing way too much bloody keep me conscious. After that, all I saw was black...

I woke up a few hours later in a dirty motel room, two blurry faces leaning over my slowly opening eyes.
"Hello?" I said in a crooked voice.
"Hey! (Y/n), do you remember us?" One of the asks... sounding exactly like Sam from the Vetala hunt. "Sam? And is that Dean? Everything's blurry." I explain to them. "Oh, I took out your contacts." Sam says, handing you your pair of glasses from your hunting bag.

You place them on your face, seeing them clearer then ever now.... and damn, Dean is hot.

"Well, thank you for saving me." I say, checking to see if my wounds are still there. "No problem, you saved us, we saved you, oh, and don't worry about the gashes, we had an angel friend heal you." Dean says. Angels aren't real...

"We were thinking, if you wanted to come hunting with us, that'd be totally fine. You know, you'd save us, we'd save you. We'd make a great team." Sam tells you, seemingly encouraging you to join them. "Yeah, that'd be great."

--a few weeks after hunting with them--

While at a diner before getting started on research for my next case, I catch Dean staring at our Waitresses ass, and then catcall her.

Sam sees too, and he's my best friend and know how I feel about Dean, even though he can be a jerk at times, he was an adorable jerk that makes my heart stir, and he's so sweet deep down. I swear we've had moments too. There's been times where I feel like sparks are flying through me, and I know he feels that way too.

I scuffed, walking out of the diner, knowing that I left Dean confused.

I walk out the front door, and go into the pouring rain. I can feel the freezing rain on pelting onto my skin.
Dean chases after me, but he's the last person I want to see right now.
"(Y/n)? What's going on?" He asks, turning to face me. "I hate you. Dean Winchester, I hate you so much because I thought we had something going on and that we could be something more, and then you go to hit on every girl who has a nice body." I scream, tears pouring as hard as the rain.
"I'm sorry...." Dean says in a small voice. "You're sorry?! That's it!" You shout, refusing to look at him.
"Listen, (y/n), I didn't think you liked me, not at all, not even a little bit, and I've been up to my head loving you, and I gave up, I thought you hated me." Dean explains. I roll my eyes and go to turn away, but right as I do so he grabs my arm, swinging me to face him.
"I know you love me to, or else why would you be so mad?" He whispers into my ear. I feel my breath hitch just as Deans lips slam into my lips, attacking my mouth.
He picks me up, carrying me so that I'm sitting on top of the Impala, with my legs wrapped around his.
My hands running though his soft, wet hair, making it messier and messier, as his are exploring my body... my thighs, neck, stomach, chest...
"(Y/n), I've loved you since I've met you." Dean says between kisses and pants. "I've loved you too, I was just too scared to say anything." I tell him back, making him smile and pull out of our kiss with the most adorable face planted on his head. "Really?" He asks, and I nod, biting my lip.
Dean smiles again, taking my hand in his and leading me back into the diner.

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