Doctor Who 11th Doctor

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Doctor Who 11th Doctor:

Background: You're friends with Amy and Rory, and you're traveling with the Doctor.

(Your Point Of View) -

"Alright, (y/n), are you ready to go?" The Doctor called, but I could hardly speak, so I didn't answer back.
He stormed into the room I was staying in. "I think I may be sick." I wheezed out, and his face grew very sympathetic. "We can say an extra day here." The Doctor said, then he walked out of the room.

He came back in about 20 minutes later carrying a basket full of tissues, cough drops, and medicine.
He set it down next to me, then he pulled out a mug of tea, "Wild berry tea with two teaspoons of sugar." The Doctor said, reciting my favorite tea and how I take it.
He wrapped a warm, fuzzy purple blanket around me and took a seat next to me.
"So, what shall we watch?" The Doctor asked, passing the remote to me. I took he remote from him and put on 'Say Yes To The Dress'.
"(Y/n), is this a hint towards something?" The Doctor bluntly stated, but I shook my head, although I wouldn't mind marrying him.
I moved over and snuggled up against him. He wraps his arm around me as I fall asleep in his arms.

(The Doctor's Point Of View) -

As soon as (y/n) fell asleep in my arms, Amy stormed into the room. "Doctor? Shouldn't we be leaving soon?" She asked, so I shushed her and mentioned towards (y/n). "Ooohh, I see. You're getting all cozy with your girlfriend." Amy said in her Swedish accent.
Rory came in soon afterwards. "I heard girlfriend. Is the Doctor with (y/n) again?" He called as he walked through the door to the room. "He certainly is." Amy said, inviting him in. "Why don't you just ask the girl out already?" Rory asked while looking from me to (y/n), then back at me again. "It's not that easy." I said, hoping it'd shut the married couple up.
"Sure it is. I'm sure she likes you." Amy said, pointing to the way (y/n) is gripping my arm. "Come on, just ask her out. Do it for me." Amy pleaded, "Fine!" I said, agreeing, "but can you, I don't know, ask her if she feels the same first?" I asked, and Any nodded.

(Your Point Of View) -

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the Doctor sound asleep next to me.
Wow. I feel a lot better.

I watched as the doctor's eyes fluttered open and he locked his with mine.
We stayed like that for a moment until he finally spoke. "We should probably get going." He said, and I nodded softly.
He helped me up and we went into the Tardis together with Amy and Rory trailing behind us.
"Hey, (y/n)! I want to talk to you for a moment!" Amy called, sounding excited, so we went into an isolated area of the time traveling police box, but before we could hide away, I saw Amy give The Doctor a look.
"So, I've got a question." She started. "Shoot."
"I was wondering if you liked the doctor, because you two would be so cute together!" Amy said, her cheeks painted with a huge grin.
I looked down immediately to hide my blush. "Oh my god! You do!" She said, and I covered her mouth right away. "Please don't say anything." I asked of her and she nodded before she walked away and went right up to the Doctor.
Man, I have a bad feeling about this.

(The Doctor's Point Of View:

After Amy's talk with (y/n), she came running up to me. Way to be discreet, Amy.

"I've got news." She said. For a moment I make eye contact with (y/n), but I broke it off immediately. She's a smart girl, and she obviously recognizes this elementary way of flirting.
"Get this, so (y/n) likes you back in the same way you like her!" Amy said a bit too loudly. Loud enough to attract Rory into the room.
"What's going on in here?" Rory said, coming out from his room. "(Y/n) has a little crush on the Doctor" Amy said in her flirty voice. "Keep your voice down. She can definitely hear you!" I shouted at her in a whisper.

~~that night~~

(Y/n) crawled into my bedroom that night. We've been doing this for the past couple of weeks. I'll stumble into her room, or she'll do the same with mine. We don't do anything intimate, we just sleep in the same bed with our arms and legs intertwined.

"Hey." She said when she first entered, her short silhouette making a ghostly shadow on the wall behind her.
(Y/n) gently closed the door behind her because she didn't want to wake anybody else up.
I scooted over and she climbed into my bed, and laid down facing me.
I placed my arm on the ridges of her waistline and she placed her cold fingertips on the edge of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.
I love you, I love you, I love you. Just say it!
"I love you too, Doctor" She said out of the blue.
I gave her a confused look, which she must've seen because it was followed with an explanation. "You said that out loud." She said.
She shut her eyes tightly and placed her head on my chest and drifted off into a soft nights sleep.

I am so sorry that this is so bad -> it's my first Doctor Who fanfic that I've written.

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