Secret Relationship ~ Castiel x Reader

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Hey guys! So this imagine will be a little different because I'm going to be combining the Supernatural world with the Sherlock world! Please enjoy :)

Your Point Of View:

"What would you like, sir?" The waitress, at the diner I am currently sitting at with my two older brothers, Sam and Dean, and my secret boyfriend, Castiel, asked Dean, with a slightly flirty attitude. "Just a burger and some fries" The oldest of the two said, making no effort to flirt back at the tall blond, but she did send a wink in Dean's direction as she walked away from our table.

As soon as she was back with our food, she continued where she left off with Dean. I grumbled in disgust, trying to ignore the leggy blond.

Just as Dean was about back to her, his phone began to ring. "Sorry, I have to take this." He mumbled, "Sam, can you take care of this?" Dean asked my other brother, Sam, referencing to the diner bill.

The second Dean walked out, leggy began to look extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed. I almost fell bad for her.

Dean's Point of View:

I was blessed as soon as my phone rang because I wanted to ditch this conversation with the waitress as much as possible.

"Hello? Is this Mr. Winchester?" Someone, with an English accent, spoke from the other line. "Are you looking for John Winchester?" I asked, "This is his number, isn't it?" He asked, suddenly confused. I shook my head, but then realized he couldn't see me. "He's dead" I said, causing the other man to release a little 'oh'. "My apologies". He said, growing sympathetic. "Nah, that's alright. He was a terrible father." I told him lightly, "Father? So that means you must be in the family business. Do you think you'd be able to help me?" He said, and I agreed once he explained what was going on. "And who are you and where are you?" I asked. "Watson. John Watson. From London." John said before hanging up the phone.

I waited for my friends to meet me outside so I could explain that we're going on a trip to London.

Your Point of View:

I was already excited just by the mere thought of going to London. I've always wanted to go there, and who better to go with then my brothers and secret love that he doesn't know about.

I know I'll be meeting someone named Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, which should be exciting too.

Once we were all packed for our little getaway, Cas zapped us out of the United States and into London, specifically 221B Baker Street.

The four of us huddled in the cold London air, all crowded in front of the door that read 221B.

I stood behind Cas, who was behind Sam and Dean as a women, who introduced herself to us as Mrs. Hudson, let us in. "Sherlock, your visitors are here" Mrs. Hudson yelled up the stairs. "What visitors?" Another voice asked, who stayed put as we walked up the narrow stairs in a pack.

Just as I thought it was just him, a much smaller man emerged from what looked to be the kitchen. "I called them." He, who must be John Watson, said. "They're hunters."

Just as John said that, Sherlock's eyes widened. "They're real?!" He said as if he were a little kid finding out that Santa is real. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Sherlock Holmes." He said, shaking everybody's hand from Cas, Sam, Dean, and then he noticed me and shook my hand too. "I'm Dean, this is my brother, Sam, our sister, (Y/N), and our friend Castiel." My oldest brother said. "Please, sit down" Mrs. Hudson offered for us to do before leaving the room.

"How are you?" Sherlock began to say, but then stopped as if he were to add something else on, "wait, no, let me tell you how you are." He said, which sent confused looks throughout the four of us. I looked to Cas, who gave me crooked smile.

"You, Dean, is stressed and worried about something, most likely your brother, Sam, due to the way you seem to take care of him, but you're covering it up with a smile and sarcasm." As Sherlock continued speaking, John began to look uncomfortable, "Sherlock, we've talked about this." He gritted through his teeth. "Oh please, I'm just having fun" Sherlock said as he moved onto Sam. "You're trying so hard not to worry your brother by pretending that you're fine, but in reality, you're extremely exhausted." As soon as he finished, he moved onto Castiel. "You're a bit more difficult to deduce, but not impossible. You're very nice, but cover it all up with your toughness." After Cas, his eyes drop down to my level. "You're worried about both your brothers, is this family just a train wreck of worry towards each other?, and you know that they're worried about you too and want to stall you growing up as much as possible, which is why you haven't told them that you're dating the blue eyed one." Sherlock finished, and Sam and Dean weren't paying attention much, but as soon as 'dating' came up, they were fully aware.

I shared a look with Castiel. "Excuse me, but what?" Dean asked me clearly angry, but trying to hold it in. "Oops" Sherlock said, realizing that he'd just exposed me and Castiel's relationship. "It's really not that big of a deal guys." I tried to convince them, but they wouldn't listen. Besides, they are my big brothers. "We'll be having a conversation about this later." Sam said through his gritted teeth.


My two brothers pulled me outside of Mr. Holmes apartment, "(y/n)? What's going on?" Dean asked, more confused then angry to my surprise. "It's really not something to get worked up about." I tried convincing, but it didn't work very well. "Listen, we're just your big brothers and want to look after you-" Sam started, but I cut him off. "And thank you for looking after me, but Cas is a great guy, an amazing guy actually."
"Brother talk." Dean said, pulling Sam out of hearing range of me.

Sam's Point Of View:

"Listen, Dean, I think this is a good thing." I tried telling my older brother. "Sam, she's our baby sister." Dean said, seemingly exhausted. "I know, and she's happy now, and Cas is happy. I think they deserve this." I told him, and, after a little bit of thinking, Dean finally agreed.

Your Point Of View:

Sam trudged behind Dean as they walked up to me. "So?" I asked, hoping for the best. "So, we're alright with you dating Cas." Dean said, but he was obviously still a little uneasy about it. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said, jumping up to hug Sam and Dean.

The three of us walked into Sherlock and John's apartment together. "So I see all went well?" Sherlock observed. "Yup." I said popping the 'p' while walking to the bedroom Mrs. Hudson is letting me stay in while we work this case.
I met Castiel in there, "How'd it go?" He asked, nervous as ever. Dean is his best friend and they've been through so much together. They even went to purgatory together!
"They're okay with it." I said, causing him to release the breath he was holding in.
He walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "I love you, (y/n)".

Wait, did he just say he loves me?!
I pulled out of the hug so I could look into his eyes, and I could tell that he meant it.
I placed my hand on the back of his neck and pulled his lips onto mine.
"I love you too."

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