I Promise ~ Castiel x reader

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(First person point of view)


As you were watching movies during your day off in the bunker, a drunk Dean, Sam, and Cas walked in. "(Y/nnnnn)!" Sam shouted, going over to pet my hair. "You're so short." Sam said, suddenly making me frown. "Shhh, get away from her. She's perfect sized." Cas said, somehow the most drunk of them all.
"Whoa, Cas? What happened to you?" I asked, full of concern.
"I found a liquor store and I drank it." He told me.
"Guess what!" Dean slurred, making you look over to him. "Our angel friend is in love!" He finished.
Sam nodded in agreement, "He won't tell us who!" Sam shouted, sounding like a sad toddler.

Castiel giggled, looking at me. He carefully walked towards me, then placed a hand on my shoulder.
He slapped his lips onto mine, sloppily kissing me.
Sam and Dean both gasped, then started laughing.

"Cas, Cas, Cas...." I said, pushing him off of me, "You're drunk." I told him, but all he did was nod with puppy eyes that stared into my soul. "If you can remember anything tomorrow, I'll do anything you want, okay?" I smoothed Castiel, dragging him into a spare bedroom. Cas nodded, "You promise?" He asked me, and I nodded, "I promise."

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