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PINE'S POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It is winter and it is very cold, but that still means i have to work in the cold all day. I know i am only 4 ,but i know that kids should not be sleeping in trees in the middle of winter while everybody is inside all warm. I hate this tthought but i think i want to run away,but something is just keeping me from going. Maybe it is my brothers Enjy and Fire and Clover and Jack or my older sister Amelia. Now that I think about it I want to stay.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE NEXT DAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I get up before dawn and I do as usaual I go inside sweep the floors then scrub them, wipe down the table, make breakfast (while i do it i slip some food for myself) , and by then Fire and Clover are awake and ready to work like me but less. Then moma,papa,Jack,Amelia,and Enjay is awake. I serve them breakfast and like usual mama and papa would say who bad my cooking is and papa would beat me with a stick. It dosen't really hurt anymore beacase i have been beaten so many times with it. After i'm done i went to the well and got water. i then came back and i gave mama the bucket and then she thru the water at me. I was soaked with water and i was so cold. Then she yelled '' I am sick of you always doing a bad job with your work and so i am throwning you out! You are no longer welcome in this house so colect your things and leave.


sorry it took me so long to update this time just got ahead of me and i was so busy with the PSSAs and school

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