The Amazing Help

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GAVROCHE'S POV''''''''''''''~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I watched as Pine screams in pain ,but I don't know what was wrong. Then I saw some blood coming out of her foot then I said to myself ''she must have stepped on glass.'' I rushed over to her and calmed her down and told her that I was going to pull out the glass. I told her a story that my sister Azelma used to tell me and gave her my only blanket and during the story I pulled out the glass and it seemed like she didn't even notice. We then started to talk about everything we could think of  like how we both named ourselves and how our parents kicked us out . We laughed a lot more then anything we did. She also showed her candle sticks and how she carved the name of her family on it.

She then took out her knife and started to carve something on it and it was my name! I asked her ''why are you carving my name on the candle I am not part of your family''. She replied with '' The only thing that makes a family is love and helping out the people that you love and you showed all of those things'', '' You toook me in when I was rejected,you helped me pull out the glass inn my foot, and you gave me your only blanket and also did I spell your name right.'' She spelled it like ''gavrashe'' I smiled and said close enough and hugged her and I knew we were going to be great friends and was excited about what the future held.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  sorry it took me so long to update and this chapter is so short i had troubles with my computer and i also started to write my new chapter so that will be up soon ok 

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