A New Friend

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EMILIA'S POV---------------_--------

Today I got woken up by the bell like everyone in this orphanage every day. I get out of bed and get dressed in my favorite blue dress. I am not aloud to wear it because it is from when I came here so they don't want me to were something that everyone else doesn't have, but my mom made me it for my 4th birthday and today was my birthday. ( it was the last birthday I ever had with her) (the next day she was murdered) I went down the stairs and Sister Michele yelled at my she then took my arm and took me out to the courtyard and pushed me down into a seat and yelled "I know it is your birthday but you are not special and I am warning you will never get adopted and this is what happens to bad children so you clean up your. This is what happens to very bad children that will never get adopted". Then they brought out 2 8 year olds that we're crying. Then they were walked on a platform and ropes were put around their necks. I then realized what was happening and started to cry. A man then pulled a bar and I closed my eyes. I then heard a crack and heard them say " it's broken we'll have to do it tomorrow".

I had a sigh of relief, but that ment I had to try to sneak them out tonight. Sister Michel walked me to my bunk and told me that I had to change and my dress would be burned in 2 days. I then got changed and went down to lunch, but while I was walking a large door caught my eye. I went in the room and hit another door it was locked. I look through a crack in the door and saw kids behind bars and then I saw those kids I had just saw just an hour ago. I then knocked on the door and one of the kids slipped through the bars and opened it. They were surprised to see me. I then told them about a plan that I had about tonight. They shook their heads yes and I went down for lunch.

THAT NIGHT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We all were in bed and most of us were asleep except me and my friend Evolen. We crept down our bunks and got dressed in our favorite dresses. I then went through my chest of things I need (I took my necklace, candles,my lantern , matches, and the Bible) We took out our snow hats and put them on and then we crept down the stairs without any light. We went into the cafeteria and gathered as much bread, berries, water, and salt pork that fit in our sacks as possible. We then went into the room were all the kids in the cells are and unlocked the door and the all quietly pored out of the small cell. I lit the lantern and we went out into the courtyard. We one more thing to do before we left. I took out my matches and lit every last one and threw them on that platform and it went up in flames.

Then we ran out of the orphanage. We ran into the forest and climbed on the back of a carriage and we made our way to Paris. The next few days I had found them families with some of my mom's old friends that wanted kids. I then realized that I had never found myself a home.

I started to walk around town at night thinking about anyone else that would take me in, but nobody would take me in. The last one that I visited took my arm and called for the inspector. The inspector ran over and when she told him the story he told me to scram . And did I run, I ran so fast that I bumped into a boy and a girl named Gavroche and Pine. They introduced theirselves and asked my questions and they let me live with them and after that we became very good friends for life.


Hey guys hope u liked this chapter and I hope to write more over the summer



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