Chapter 5: Chin Check

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The morning sunlight spills through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room as I stir from a restless night. The events of the previous evening play on a loop in my mind, the sensation of Antonio's lips against mine still vivid. I can almost feel his breath on my face and the gentle touch of his hands running through my hair. The intense butterflies, a mix of excitement and confusion, linger in the pit of my stomach.

As I lay here, a heavy contemplation settles upon me. The kiss was unexpected, fuelled by the heightened emotions of the night. Yet, I know deep down that it can't go beyond the professional boundaries we've established. My focus needs to remain on my career, on the cases that demand our attention. A personal relationship with Antonio could jeopardize everything.

Thoughts of Connor surface, as he is a reliable and caring presence in my life. He treats me well and provides stability to both me and Lucas. Connor represents security, a foundation I can't afford to compromise.

Deciding to treat the kiss as a fleeting moment of vulnerability, I decide not to discuss it with Antonio. Pretending it hasn't happened feels like the safest course of action. I can't let a singular incident cloud our professional partnership. And, above all, I can't allow it to cast a shadow over my relationship with Connor. There's no need to burden him with a moment that means nothing to me.

As I face the mirror, the reflection of determination stares back at me. Today is a new day, a day where I reinforce the boundaries that need to be upheld. Antonio and I are partners, nothing more.


Voight's voice echoes through the basement of the precinct. The aftermath of yesterday's events still lingers, a tense energy clinging to the air. He stands tall, a no-nonsense figure in the center of the room, his gaze penetrating each member of the Intelligence Unit. "I've been given the go-ahead to run Intelligence the way I want to run it. No interference. This is our unit now. You do things my way, our way, you'll unclip your badge at night knowing that you did right. The police standing next to you now are your family, and to me, there is nothing more important. If you're in, stay here with me."

"Yes sir," Halstead, Lindsay, Olinsky, Ruzek, Dawson, and I all affirm simultaneously, a unified response to Voight's leadership. 

We head upstairs to our office and Ruzek starts to make conversation with Olinsky. "Hey listen, I got this thing on Friday night, but I can blow it off if you think--"

"What kind of thing?" Alvin interrupts.

"It's my engagement party." Ruzek reveals, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Olinsky, momentarily surprised, recovers quickly. "Where's my invite?" Olinsky frowns, his gruff exterior momentarily softening at the idea of celebration.

"Ha," Adam laughs, attempting to diffuse the situation, but his humor fades as he observes Olinsky's serious expression. "Seriously? You know, that's all I need. 'Hey, sweetie, this is my partner, the married one who lives in his garage. Don't worry, that's not gonna happen to us.' No offense, though, I don't want you anywhere near her."

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