Ch. 7

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~Next Day Bitch & Normani's POV~

Ever since Y/n went missing none of us have really gotten any sleep. We waited until the next day to see if she come home but she never did. I'm really getting worried too. I mean we all felt like something bad was going to happen and it did. Dinah and Lauren had to go back home yesterday night. When we woke up and saw Y/n haven't came home yet we immediately called the cops. They just arrived too. I also have to go to school still so after I answer some questions dad will take me. Right now it is 5:30 and I have to be at school at 7:30. Dinah was crying last night and didn't want to leave. Her dad had to carry her out. Lauren didn't really talk. I guess since she is so close to Y/n she didn't know how to feel about the situation. She looked like she wanted to cry but she didn't. On top of that Y/n didn't reply to any of our texts. I know she had her phone too. The last text we got was her telling mom she was coming home.

"Ok. Can you give me the name and age of the person you are looking for?" Officer Bowen asked my mom. His been working here for years. "Her name is Y/n Bentley and she is 16." She answered. "What does she look like and if you have a picture can we have one to us? We need the picture to put on the news so everyone can keep an eye out for her. If that's ok with you." Bowen asked. Dad went to find a picture of her to give to him. "She has light brown hair, e/c(eye color), her height is 5/6, and she was wearing black the other day." Mom informed him. He wrote the information down on the notepad he brought with him. "Ok and if you don't mind I will like to asks you all questions individually." He said and we nodded. He pulled me to the side and began asking me questions witch I answered truthfully.

"What did she do before school that day?" He asked me watching me carefully. "Well Dinah, Y/n, Lauren, and I rode to school together." I answered. "Who is Lauren and Dinah?" He asked me writing down what I say. "Lauren is our childhood friend. She lives across the street. Dinah is Y/n's girlfriend and she lives 39 minutes away." I said. "Is their anyone that Y/n is enemies with?" He asked. "There are these two boys named Steven and Daniel. They are always making racist comments towards all of us. But they always pick on Y/n and Lauren the most." I explained. "One last question. Where did you last see Y/n?" He asked. "After school she walked Dinah, Lauren, and I out to my mom. My mom was picking us three up. Y/n stayed after school to help our Art teacher clean her room. She texted my mom and said she was coming home but never showed up." I told him. He thanked me and went to my mom for answers.

My dad came up to me and said it was time for school. So I grabbed my backpack and went out to the car. Lauren was also riding with us. She was waiting by the car like she usually does when we go with Y/n. I had my on car but the engine bust. But I loved riding with Y/n. She made it fun. "Girls I want you two to not over think this situation. If anything comes up we will come get you three from school. Try to focus on your schoolwork. If anything happens call me and I will come get you. I know this is hard on you all." He said when we got in the car. "Thanks dad. I just don't know what to think about this whole think. Its not the same without Y/n." I said tearing up a little but I blinked it away. I have to stay strong for Y/n. "We are here girls. Have a nice day and try to focus. Remember to call me if anything happens." Dad said and we said our goodbyes.

Lauren and I got out of the car and headed to the entrance. Everyone were looking at us as we walked in. Lauren has been quiet this whole time too. Everyone knows what happen because dad went looking for her last night. They also took off of work for a week so they can worry about Y/n. When we got to my locker Dinah was standing there with her head down. "Hey Dinah." I softly said. She looked up at us with red eyes. "Hey. Did she come home yet?" Dinah asked with hope in her voice and clutching backpack. I shook my head and she sighed sadly looking down. "Not yet but we talked to the cops this morning. Mom and dad were talking about doing a search party after school." I told them. "Are you ok Lauren?" Dinah asked looking at her with concern. Lauren shook her head slightly before speaking. "Yeah. I just don't want the same thing to happen to Y/n like Winter." Lauren said as the bell rang. Dinah looked like she was about to ask who Winter was but decided against it. I know I'm going to have to tell her soon who she is.

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