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One years later 2017~Y/n~

These past two years has been great. When I came back that was the best night of my life. I may have lost my virginity that night. That was also Dinah's first time too. She said she didn't want to loss it to no one else but me. So she waited for me. Dinah and I bought a house together. While Dinah has her career I decided I needed a job so I could support us. So last year I got a job as a basketball coach. I coach at a college for the girls team. They needed a different coach because the one they had was horrible. They only won one game with him. But when I came they won just about all their games. Dinah and I have been talking about our future together. Like marriage and starting a family. But that's for another time.

"Alright ladies! You can go home now! No practice food the rest of the week!" I shouted to my team. They cheered and headed to the locker room. I went to my office to grab my things. The boys team should be coming in soon. I locked my office door and headed to my car. "Coach!" I heard someone call. I turned around and saw Crystal. My third best and new player. "Hey what's up?" I asked her. "Well I was wondering since we were going tone doing a team trip, can I suggest the water park?" She asked. "That sounds like a good idea since its been so hot out. I'll keep that in mind." I said nodding my head. "Find out if any of the other girls would like to go to the water and let me know." I said. "Ok I'll see you next practice then." She said turning on her heel. I turned around and continued to my car. When I got got in the car my phone started ringing.

Mommy👵❤ is calling

"Ello mother!" I said when I accepted her call. "Hey baby I was calling to see how you are doing." She said. "I'm doing good mommy. I just got off of work and heading home now. You?" I told her. "Ok good. I'm doing great too. Can you come over tomorrow and cut my grass please?" She asked me. "How about I do it now?" I suggested. "If you want to you can. But I know you most be tired." Sh said. I heard moving around on her end. "Its fine. I'm not tired anyways. I'll be there in five minutes." I told her. We said our goodbyes and I hung up.

When I got to her house turned my car off. Since I had a key I just walked in. "I'm here mom!" I called out. "In the kitchen!" I hear her yell. I walked in the kitchen and saw Winter in their too. "Hey Wint. Hey mom." I said. I kissed their cheeks and sat at the on the stool. They were both making lunch. "So how you been Wint?" I asked Winter. "Good. College is just stressing me out." She said as she shredded the meat. Winter started going to college for fashion and photography. That's what she always wanted to do. They are also cooking tonight because Dinah invited everyone to our house tonight for a barbeque. My mom is making chicken casserole and broccoli casserole. Everyone is bringing something but I don't know what. I do know Camila is bringing banana pudding. Oh yeah! Camila isn't in the group anymore. But we are still friends with her.

"I gonna go cut the grass now so I can get home and take a shower. Dinah wants to talk to me too. I got to grill too." I said getting up an going out the back door. I took off my shirt and started the lawn mower.


"Hey baby!" Dinah squealed and jumped in my arms. I spun her around and peppered kisses all over her face. I planted a big kiss on Dinah's lips. "I missed you." Dinah said rest our foreheads together. "I missed you too baby girl." I told her. She got down and looked up at me with a big goofy smile. "Why you so happy? I love seeing you happy. But why?" I asked her. "Follow me." She said and led me upstairs. "Look in that bag babe." She told me. I grabbed the the gift bag off the bed. I was kinda confused. My eyes widened when I saw what it was. "Wait really?" I asked in shock and she nodded. "Is this why you wanted to do a barbeque?" I asked her. "Yeah." I smiled and pulled her into a passionate kiss. "I love you so much baby." I said when we pulled away. Smiled really big. "I love so much more Y/n/n." Dinah said.


Everyone is here. We are all having a great time. When the food ready that is when Dinah wants to tell everyone. I am at the grill checking the burgers, hot dogs, chicken and corn. All of it looked down so I taking them off. I felt someone come behind me and wrap their arms around my waist. Once they started talking I knew who it was. "Are you ready baby?" Dinah asked me. "The question is are you ready?" I asked her. "I'm a little nervous and excited at the same time." Dinah sighed. "Don't be nervous princess. Just remember whatever happens I will always be here for you." I said closing the grill when I got everything out. "Let's go princess." I grabbed the pan of food and carried it to the table. I sat it in the middle of the table of the table where everyone can get to it. "Before anyone eats Y/n and I would like to say something." Dinah said catching everyone's attention. Normani started whining and put her plate down. Oh yeah. I forgot to mention Normila and Alren is real. "Y'all better not be breaking up." Lauren said and we quickly shook our heads. "No! None of that." I quickly said. "Well what is it?" Winter asked.

"Well if you~" "Are y'all getting a puppy?" Camila cut me off this time. So I just sat down and let everyone argue about what we had to say. "Guys! None of what you all are saying is what we have to say!" Dinah yelled making everyone quiet. "About damn time." I muttered. Dinah kicked my leg telling to get up. "What we have to say is..." I said pausing for a minute. "We're having a baby!" We shouted and everyone's mouth dropped. "Congratulations guys!" Normani said pulling us into a hug. Everyone came up to us and congratulated us. Dinah's dad put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me away from everyone. "Now I know you Y/n. I trust you too. But just promise me you want leave Dinah to raise that child on her own. I've already given you my blessing but I just want you to promise me." Gordan said. "I promise I will do everything possible to protect Dinah and my unborn child. I love Dinah more than anything. She is my world. I plan on marrying her." I told him. I looked at Dinah and she saw me looking. She smiled and blew a kiss to me. I pretended to catch it and faint against the window. Gordan laughed at me patted my shoulder. "All I have to say is you better marry her." He said and walked away.

I walked over to my mom and she pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "I'm so proud of you baby. Take care of that baby." Mom told me looking up into my eyes. "I will momma. I will protect Dinah and that child with my life." I told her and my sisters came over. "So when is the wedding?" Mom asked me. "Soon. Real soon." Was all I told her. "Y'all remember the plan?" I asked my sisters and they nodded. "Than let's do this." I said nervously as I played with a certain ring box behind my back.

A/n~ The end! I hope you guys loved this book. Love you my Rockets and Rockettes🚀 ✌😊✌ My love bugs🐞🐝🐜


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