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"I don't trust anybody. Not anybody. And the more that I care about someone, the more sure I am they're going to get tired of me and take off." ― Rainbow Rowell, fan girl.

And so we stood there on the bleachers by the football field. he looked at me with a look of longing. a look that pained me. "I love you, Cecily" he said to me. there are so many things I could've said, but in stead I let my insecurity take over. "No, you don't" I say to him.

I turn around to walk away but he grabs my wrist and gently pulls me back to him. "Yes I do!" he says to me. I take a step backwards while trying to stop the tears that are almost prickling out. "Carter, you cant love me, in the end you'll leave me just like everyone else." I say to him. I keep taking steps back but he keeps walking closer to me.

"Cecily, I've met your drunken mother, I know about your father that took off, I'm the stranger that stood up for you when your own best friend didn't, you have trust issues but trust me when I say I'm not going anywhere." He says to me while closing the space between us.

He presses our lips together and I don't pull back. His hand gently strokes my cheek. I wrap my hands around his neck and knot my fingers in his brown hair. His tongue runs across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I part my lips and our tongues battle for dominance which he wins.

When we kiss it feels blissful and electrical. Different then anything I've ever felt. I don't know how long we kiss but what I do know is that Carter rivers will be both my uprising and my blissful downfall.


so ya there's your prologue. I'm pretty sure those are supposed to me short so there it is. chapter one will be out soon it'll also be longer vote comment and follow.- Izzy your awesome author.

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