Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

• Cecily kingson •

It was around seven o'clock that night. I was sitting on the couch with Olivia watching 'Pretty Little Liar's' we currently had an addiction to it. I know letting my eight year old sister watch 'Pretty Little Liar's', I'm such a great role model aren't I?

I look down at my phone and check my notifications, eight missed calls and three missed texts, all from Cole. The little ass hole, I still feel betrayed by him! I'm broke out of thinking by someone knocking on the door. I get off the couch. "Stay here Livvy." I tell Olivia using one of her nicknames, as I walk away.

I open the door not bothering to check who it is threw the window, when I open the door it's Cole. I try slamming the door shut but he moves his foot in the door way before the door can close.

As soon as the door - which was getting closed with a fast force from my anger - makes contact with Coles foot, he winces. That's gotta hurt, It's not like this is a TV show after all...

"Cecily please just let me talk!" Cole says begging me, his forest green eyes look like they were about to cry, damn it Cole! You know how I have a weakness for tears.

"Five minutes!" I snap at him, I'm gonna keep up the bitchy attitude with him, after years of friend ship with Cole, I know exactly how to push his buttons and exactly what makes him guilty.

We step out on my porch it was kinda like an patio, except made out of cement and the metal railings had an rose design. If you walked up the steps you would reach my door in approximately five feet, and there was fifteen more feet of the patio going to the left, there was also a glass table and shiny metal chairs at the end for people to sit.

Me and Cole walked all the way over to the table and I stood there waiting for him to talk. A breeze passes by and I pull my grey cardigan closer to my body so I was hugging it to myself because I was in nothing else but plack booty shorts and a black spaghetti strap tank top.

"I'm sorry." Cole says, I scoff at him. "You better have something better then that to say, other wise you can get off my property." I snap and glare at him. "I do! I do," he pleads me, I sigh and continue glaring at him, and he stares at me. I raise my eyebrows "I'm waiting!" I say.

Cole takes a deep breath "I'm sorry, what I did was wrong, I was just so mad! You loved him so much, and I didn't wanna ruin it for you." He says to me on the verge of tears. I close my eyes and sigh. "You were just gonna sit back and let the man I loved sleep around with other girls?!?" I yell at him.

"No Cecily! I figured you would find out sooner or later! Please forgive me I need my best friend back." He pleads me while letting a few tears out. I wanna forgive him but he crossed a line.

"I can't give you your best friend back just yet, but we'll stick to good friends for now." I say to him. I can't forgive him, I can't just forget what he did, I've been hurt to much for that.

"Thank you CeCe" Cole says, "I'll see you later CoCo." I say forcing out his nick name. Its hard for me to be nice to him, after he hurt me so bad, I do after all have anger issues. I watch Cole walk off my porch, get in his truck and then drive away.


I walked into chemistry the next day. I walked in and sat down at the desk I share with my lab partner. Conner walked in and sat down next to me. Shit I forgot he was my new lab partner, I had been avoiding him all day long, and I had been doing a very damn good job, I even ignored him when he threw paper balls at me to catch my attention.

Conner starts to talk but the teacher walks in and cuts Conner off by talking. Conner pulls out some sticky notes and writes Something on it, then he folds it in half and passed it to me.

I unfold it and read what it says:
Hey, - Conner.
I crumple it up and stick it in my back pack. Conner writes a new note and hands it to me, I unfold it and read:
:( That's not nice, - Conner.
I roll my eyes and throw this one in my back pack. He gives me another one, I unfold it and read:
Don't throw me, ^--^ - Conner.

I fold it back up and put it in my pocket, he hands me another one, and I unfold it and read it:
Notes don't like to be pocketed, °____° - Conner
I fold the note back up and pocket it, and he hands me another one, I unfold it and read:
Are you avoiding me? - Conner
I fold it up and pocket it, he hands me yet another one, I open it up and read:
Plz answer me, :) - Conner

I pull out my pencils and wrote a reply to him, I wrote a miniature T-Rex eating his hand writing, I fold it up and hand it to him, he hands me a note back, I unfold it and read:
I was beginning to think you were dead! xx - Conner.
I take his note fold it up and pocket it like the others.

Conner hands me another note, I unfold it and read:
You didn't answer me question, - Conner
I take my pen and write another reply.
Well it depends do 'bitches' avoid people? - CeCe.
I hand the note back, and he frowns. Is he seriously that blunt? Even the dimist of all boys could've had figured out that I'm upset becuase of that! Take a hint why don't ya!

The school bell rings and I rush to pack my stuff out and the rush out the class room door, but I wasn't fast enough. "CeCe wait!" Conner says from behind me. I turn around, "What?" I snap at him. "I'm sorry." He says to me. Damn what's up with this? I'm getting a lot of apologies lately.

I raise my eyebrows as if telling him to keep talking but telling him not to at the same time. "I talked to Cole yesterday, and he told me what happened with you and your ex"- I cut him off my scoffing. "Great just what I need people gossiping behind my back like demonic old ladys!" I snap.

I turn around to walk away but he gently grabs my arm. "We weren't gossiping about you, Cole just told me what happened between you and your ex, it was wrong of me to judge you!" Conner says sorrowfully. Wow he actually sounded sincere...

"What ever, your forgiven." I say sorta glumly, it's hard to be a bitch when some one sounds so sorry. "Great! that means we're friends?" Conner asks me. He really shouldn't waste his time on me, I'm not worth it but whatever.

"Sure... but don't doubt for a second I can't beat your ass if you step out for line, I'm sure you know by now I have anger issues." I say to him. What? I might as well give him a warning I can be a lot to deal with.

"I don't doubt that at all" Conner says, and smiles at me, "And seriously do I look like a demonic old lady too you?" Conner asks me, "Well..." I answer his question, "I may look like a lady, but I'm not demonic," Conner says, and we bust out laughing, and just like that we walk towards music our last class of the day.

End of chapter
How'd ya like it?!?!?
I like this chapter, it was interesting to write!

I'm an demonic Fourteen year old girl...
Welp, Until next time bye, - Izzy.

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