Chapter Two

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⚠️ warning: explicit and violent scenes ahead ⚠️

Chapter Two

Cecily Kingston

I wave good bye to Aiden as he backs his car out of my drive way. After his car is out of sight, I go inside.

The outside of my house is beautiful. It's got the long drive way, and then you walk forward up the walk way which leads to the front door of my house.

Once you go up the walk way you see my front door which is a metallic silver Door with a rose design on it. It's actually a miracle we're able to still live her since my father...

I walk up the brick walk way, that leads me to my door. I grab the spare key under our frog flower pot. I unlock the door and put it back.

I walk in the kitchen and see Cole and Olivia covered in flour. As much as I wanna laugh, I put on the big sister scold towards Olivia.

"What happened?!?" I ask cole. "Um... We made cookies." Cole says to me. "Ohh, where are they?" I ask while walking towards the kitchen counter and acting like I want a cookie.

I slyly, stick my hand in flour bag and grab a hand full and throw it at Cole. He gasps. I quickly grab more and throw it at Olivia.

They grab more and start throwing it at me. I give Olivia the look. The look that only a sister could know. We both grab more flour and ambush cole with it.

"AHHH." Cole shriks. Yes he shrieks. As in high pitched screaming. "Not fair, it two against one" he yells. "Deal with it" me and Olivia say in unison.

"Clean this up, I'm gonna go shower." I say to cole. "But you helped make the mess." cole whined. "Its my house" I say to him and walk up stairs.

I walk in my bedroom and immediately take my high heels off. I walk in the bathroom and run extremely cold water in my sink.

I take clothes off and rince them in the cold water. Hot water would've kept the flour in.

After getting all the flour out, I hang​my clothes on the side of the sink. I turn on my shower to hot, and get in.

I can't help but smile as I wash my hair. He gave me a freaking promise ring. That means he sees a future with me.

Maybe in the future we'll be married, and with kids.

I rince body and get out of the shower. I dry my body off and wrap my body inside a towel. I walk to my dresser.

I pull out one of my dad's old T-shirts and some leggings. I pull out some sparkling dimond lotion, and run it on my self.

I put some pink under garments on, and pull my leggings on, then I grab my father's old T-shirt and put it on. It goes just below my butt. I laugh at my shortness.

I grab my wet clothes from my bathroom sink and take them downstairs to the laundry room. I put them in the washer.

I walk in the kitchen to see it crystal clean. I see Olivia and cole sitting on the counter eating cookies.

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