Chapter Six

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Chapter six
Cold hearted

• Cecily kingson •

As agreed Conner Rivers met me at my locker and then I lead him to class his next class. Unfortunely I think he was more talkitive now then he was before.

I don't know why but instead of being his friend, which I'm sure he could have used being the new kid and all, I was cold hearted towards him.

I find being heartless is easier, because the best way not to have your heart broken is to pretend you don't have one.

"So your names CeCe?" Conner asks me, "No that's a nickname." I say glumly. "Oh... Then what's your name?" I sigh, "That's on a need to know basis." I say, "okie dokie ardie-choke." He says to me.

I'm being a total bitch to him yet he remains happy, how? "So what class to now?" Conner ask me, "Math with Mr longbutt." I say to him, he laughes, "That's his name? It sounds like mr. big butt." He says laughing.

My face quirks up a little and I laugh on the inside, that's what I always call Him, but then I remembered that I need to be heartless. "Don't be disrespectful of the teachers!" I say while scoffing.

"Sorry," he mumbled as we walked into the classroom. "Your late!" Mr big butt- erm, long bottom, says. "I have the new kid." I say while pointing my thumb behind me towards Conner and then taking my seat.

Conner takes the desk next to mine, and pulls out his math books. I pull out mine and get to the designated page.

Before I know it the hell is ringing and me and Conner are getting ready for the next class, "Whats next?" Conner ask me, "literature." I say and walk down the hall.

We pass Bitch-toria and Aiden makeing out down the hall and I just wanna hurl, but I don't.

No tears.
No crying.
No whimpers.
No sighs.
No longing looks.
No slumped shoulders.

Instead I keep my head held high, shoulders up, back straight and walk right passed them with Conner in tow behind me.

I didn't even glance at them, but out of the corner of my eye I could see Aiden staring at me. Not just any stare, a stare of wanting.

That's right bitch, you've lost me and can't have me back. Becuase 'na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, can't touch this.'

Aiden walk over to us. Just great, this is totally what I need right now, a shitty ex boyfriend.

"Hey." He says to me, "What" I snap at him annoyed, "I'm sorry about yesterday..." He says quiet so Conner can't hear, Conner is rather close to us though, and by the way he's standing you can tell that he's eavesdropping.

Right he's sorry about, yesterday​. "Right, What part of yesterday." I say through clenched teeth while balling my fists. "A-all of it." He says looking guilty, I would have forgive him, except now I know its all fake.

I also know that once Bitch-toria is done with him, he'll want me back, but he won't get me because I hate him and he'll probably just cheat again.

"Don't look so giluilty, we both k ow its fake." I snap at him, and walk away.

"I get you being rude to me since you have to show me around today, but you didn't need to me hostile to him..."  Conner says to me.

I look at him and if looks could kill he'd be six feet under. "You don't know anything about him or me!" I snap at him and continue walking.

"I know that I don't, but that didn't mean you had to be rude." Conner says quietly, I scoff at him, "I can be rude if I want to! He's my ex boyfriend" I snap at Conner.

"Yeah, becuase your acting like a bitch." Conner says so quietly under his breath, I might not have heard if it weren't for being so close, and something tells me I wasn't supposed to here it.

"This so your class, Cole is in here, you can have him show you to lunch since I'm sure you don't want a bitch to show you!" I snaped at him, I turn on my heel and begin to stomp off.

"Wait! Where are you going?" He yells after me. I don't answer I just keep walking, "What about class?" He yell, asks me, "Bitches don't go to class." I yell to him.

And for the first time in forever I skip class.


I was outside walking around in the streets, what do I do? I ask myself. A long time ago had I skipped class it would be to hang out with my friends who were also skipping with me, but now that I'm in highschool it's a completely different story.

I'll go get ice cream! When I was younger the first Friday of every month my father would take me out to get ice cream that was until...

I sigh as I walk down the street towards the ice cream shop my father used to take me to. Maybe I was a bitch? Maybe that's why he cheated? Maybe Conner was right? Maybe Bitch-toria is just better then me?

I stop my negative thinking. He only wants Bitch-toria becuase she'll give him what he wants before marriage. Sometimes it's hard to believe Bitch-toria is the same Victoria I used to be friends with.

I walk up to the shop where me and my father used to get ice cream. It was a vintage shop. You didn't walk inside, you just stood outside and bought it threw the window.

It was a little building with white walls, and a pink roofing, there was a big pink sign with a white ice cream in a cone that said 'Cone Zone' the name of the Company.

I walk up to window, "How may I help you?" The old lady working the cash register asks me. "One large cookie doe, cone." I say to her, the old lady laughs.

"You always order that!" She says, through laughs. It's true out of all the times I've been here I always ordered cookie doe, and I'd been here alot.

I would come here every first Friday of the month once I got out of work. I wanted to keep the traditional ice cream trip even if my father wasn't here to go with me.

And out of all the time I came, I never took anyone with me, not even Olivia or Cole. I wanted me and my father's ice cream place to be ours... And ours it shall remain.

"Here you go dear!" The old woman - Sherrie - hands me my cookie doe ice cream. I take it, and thank her then walk away.

I walk around the corner and stop at the park, and go sit on one of the red swings. It was an old park attached to an school, with red and green swings. There were blue, yellow red and green slides, and there was faded red wood chips on the ground mixed in with old pebbles and rocks.

The turquoise monkey bars were now a faded color, and the yellow soccer goals were missing there nets. Either someone stole them or the school took them inside becuase its not soccer season yet. My father would always take me here to eat my ice cream, and I would always end up playing in this park.

I wish he was here now...
But he left me all alone...
And I know that it's not his fault...
But I can't help but hate him for leaving me alone in this cruel world to raise my baby sister...

End of chapter!

I updated this and Broken Wolf in one night!

Seeing as I just got back from camping...

Qotc: favorite camping activity?

My Answer: mine is walking my dog around the campsite, it gives me a chance to check out the cute teenage boys!!


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