Chapter Five

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Chapter Five
Why I cut.

Cecily kingson •

I woke up the next morning bright and early. After I had showered and put my coconut passion lotion on, I headed down stairs.

I was going to start on breakfast, but the wonder full, fumes coming from the kitchen distracted me. That was until I realised the only other people in the house were Olivia and my mother.

Both people I didn't want in the kitchen. I rush in the kitchen to see my mother cooking. I take the pan from her, "What are you doing?!?" I ask her worried.

"Cecily, I was making breakfast for everyone!" My mother scolds me, while taking the pan from me. "Yeah, but why?" I ask her harshly.

"Cecily, is it a crime for a mother to make breakfast for her children?!?" My mother scolds me. No she doesn't get the right to scold me.

"No, I'm sorry, mother." I say to her while trying not to snap her neck. She doesn't get to decide she wants to play family, when ever she wants. She got pregnant and she needs to tend to her children.

But instead she's always off getting drunk, and sometimes sleeping around. She's never once given me her attention since my father...

It's always been me, my self and I. At least until Olivia came along, I had to get a job at eleven because my mom couldn't get off her ass, and work to provide for her family.

At eleven I was mowing lawns and walking dogs so I could afford food for me and Olivia. And god Olivia was just a baby.

I remember when Liv was just born, I thought having a little sister would be terrible. But looking in my new born baby sisters, chocolate brown eyes, my ten year old self vowed to protect her from the harsh world.

The harsh world that includes my mother. I don't even know why I call her that, she doesn't deserve it. Bringing us back to present, she doesn't get to play mommy today, it's me who always plays mommy.

Making breakfast, paying the bills, fixing broken faucets and house hold items. And I'm not gonna let my self get yelled at my her.

"We need to talk." I say to her calmly. "What's that Supposed to mean?" She asks me confused. I sigh, "I don't want alcohol in the house anymore!" I say sternly. "It's my house I can bring in what even I want!" She snaps at me.

Sure it's in her name, but I pay its bills. "No you can't! You are an alcoholic, and I will not let you bring that poison in this house." I yell at her.

"That is a lie!" She yells at me, "That is not a lie!" I yell at her. I look at Olivia who has been sitting at the kitchen table watching me and her mother argue, Turning her head to me when when I talk, and to her mother when she talks.

I stare at her in the eyes and nod my head towards the door. Olivia gets up, grabs her school bag, and walks out the door.

I look at my mother, "When you bring alcohol in the house, you put Olivia in danger!" I snap at her and walk to the door. "And I'm not willing to risk my baby sisters safety" I say and slam the door shut.


I walked into homeroom, and sat in my seat just as the bell rung. I was almost late because I had to walk Olivia to her school and then walk to mine. I really need to get a car.

I blocked out what the teacher says, like I usually do. It's not like I need to know stuff, I'm an grade A student.

I wonder if I'll get in trouble for pulling a non-homework book out and reading it. One time a teacher gave me an detention because I pulled out 'Divergent' in the middle of class.

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