The Only One

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Rory had felt a lot better after her heart-to-heart with Logan at the bar, as awkward as it had been, she'd needed to have the conversation. Her uneasy feeling had gone away after that they'd been a bit more honest which other. Now that they'd been in the house for a couple of weeks they had settled into an easy routine of living alongside each other.

Despite her initial reservations Rory did have to admit to herself that everything was going incredibly well. It was just so comfortable and easy, and it's was also a lot of fun. Spending time as a family with Lily was something that Rory couldn't put a price tag on and it made her heart swell to see Logan and Lily together.

She was enjoying dating Logan but they'd still not restarted a physical relationship and after the one night she had slept with him in his bed, they'd not done it again, each going back to their own rooms and sleeping alone. Logan was being so very patient with her and she was grateful for this.

Now that they had finally settled into the house and got things organized in the way that they wanted, they decided to have a few of their friends around for a small house-warming get-together. Over the course of the day they'd had visits from most of their family and now moving into the late evening they found themselves sitting around with the old crowd from Yale. Lorelai had whisked Lily back to Stars Hollow for the night, desperate for some time with her grandaughter. Luckily Steph was still in town and Colin flew back in for the weekend from California. Finn, Rosemary, Robert and Juliet had all managed to make it along too. It was a long time since they'd all been in the same room and they were having a great evening, laughing and joking about some of the things they had got up to in the past.

"Anyone want another drink?" Logan asked as he picked up the bottle of scotch that the boys were enthusiastically making their way through and the expensive champagne the girls had opted for. "Ah damn," he said looking into the bucket "we're out of ice".

"I'll get it," Rory said as she stood up and picked the ice bucket up.

"Are you sure?" Logan said. "I don't mind going..."

"Yeah, it's fine I want to go call mom to check on Lily anyhow. I'll be back in a few minutes," she said as walked into the kitchen.

Logan watched her appreciatively as she walked out of the room. She'd dressed up for the occasion, excited to be hosting friends, and was wearing a red silk dress, that gently skimmed her curves. She'd kicked off her shoes and released her hair from the clip that had been holding it in place. She looked relaxed and happy and he hadn't been able to take his eyes off her for most of the day, something that didn't go unnoticed by his friends.

Finn nudged him in the side "Put your tongue away mate"

"What?!" Logan said as he turned around to look at him.

"Come on Logan. You're practically undressing the poor girl with your eyes" Rosemary laughed.

"I am not!" he said defensively.

"Ah what's the matter, still not getting any Huntz?" Colin said knocking back the rest of his scotch.

"That's none of your business" Logan snapped.

"We'll take that as a no then" Colin smirked as Steph playfully hit him.

"What's really going on with you guys?" Juliet asked, "You're not together but you act just like an old married couple."

"And therein explains their lack of sex" Finn joked.

"You know exactly what's going on..." Logan started to say before Steph interrupted.

She rolled her eyes. "They're just 'dating'" she said using air-quotes to get her message across. "Despite the fact that he's madly in love with her and she's madly in love with him but neither of them has the kahunas to admit it to each other so they're just going to carry on in denial wasting all this time when they could be having more fun tearing the clothes off each other." She said as she downed the rest of her champagne emptying her glass. "Oops" she hiccupped "Warning sign".

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