one ☀️

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     Sunlight blazed through his window as he groaned with annoyance. He never hated the sunlight, heck, he loved it, but it was something that annoyed him during such ungodly hours. He hated mornings, he hated having to get up from bed, struggling to find the alarm clock because of stubborn eyes begging to be just as they are—closed. He sighed as he opened his eyes, rubbing at the other one just so the drowsiness would go away. Again, he vowed, he hated mornings.

     He turned to one side, studying the sight of his apartment. He had been an orphan. He never knew his father, and his mother had died two years ago. Apparently, he had been taken care of custody by his uncle Randolph, he had to take a few jobs, and made the aforementioned relative agree to let him live alone for college in an apartment near said university.

      Magnus Chase has never been the greatest tinge of normal in the world. He was an eighteen year old college sophomore, not the tallest person, has blond hair that stretched down just above his shoulder and was parted in the middle, he had a resting bitch face painted over his features. He was sarcastic—which was one of his greatest talents—and quite fond of not being fond of physical contact, and friends. Yet he had two, which made him a third wheel since Blitzen and Hearthstone are in a relationship for god knows how long, this, is what I was trying to fucking emphasize but oh well. Yes, Blitzen and Hearthstone ARE in a relationship, they are married and Magnus is a third wheel and sometimes he doesn't know whether to feel bad for being so single, or to be in the middle, grinning like an idiot as his parents show their affection in the most lovely ways.

     He sighed. He got out of bed while muttering a bunch of curses and dismantling the little bit of drowsiness in him, went straight to the kitchen. He saw one of Blitzen's note stuck in a magnet on the refrigerator. Hearthstone ordered you some falafel! But bring it to school for lunch or snack. For breakfast, help yourself with some fried eggs ala Blitzen. He looked at the note and silently ranted about Blitzen forgetting it was the start of their winter break. He stared at the take-out falafel paper bag. "Fadlan Falafel" was printed there in a comical font. He remembered taking breaks on that place, picking up some iced coffee from a vending machine outside the winter days.

His eyes then moved to the eggs that lay there. He helped himself in the taste of buttery egg, Blitzen was never the cook, but he did love cooking eggs for Magnus whenever the kid was not aware that his refrigerator has been emptied again. Blitzen and Hearthstone, they would pass as his parents, actually. He decided to call them mom and dad once, it was one of the biggest mistake he had done.

Shaking the memory aside of threatening in ASL from Hearth, and a bunch of flowery and colorful words from Blitz, he managed to smile a bit when he noticed the bookrack he stowed away in the kitchen. His kitchen was not as dirty as a single teen with an inhumanely tall deaf blond, and a vertically challenged person as parents who visited him from time to time. His kitchen was rather spotless, a fridge (which he had no idea was still working properly, unless there are no explosions then it was safe) was in the other side by the door, tall glass windows made the snowy sky flutter on sight, the sink was clean, and his tables were the same structure.

He smiled looking at the snowy roofs of the other buildings, but one thing had caught his eye, and it was the room adjacent to his. The windows were open and there stood a mess of green hair, and a half-asleep face of Alex Fierro. Aside from the fact that she was trans and gender fluid, she was also known in the university for her artistic ways of making herself known and respected. He never knew the aforementioned schoolmate moved into the apartment building adjacent to his. The bewilderment etched around Magnus.

Glancing over the room structure, he also figured the design and structure was very similar to his. He bared his sight to his room, and apparently, the same way Alex had come from, was a bedroom, proved by the bedroom window that was opened. The apartment buildings were so close to each other, that Magnus could've opened the windows and they could high five. The green-head was never not part of what Magnus wanted to get involved with, but he did admire her artistic nature and works. Alex Fierro's paintings and pottery was something that could inspire him with his own skill—poetry. He couldn't say he was skilled, but that was his way of showing his own talents.

Apparently, everything about Alex Fierro can somehow make Magnus pull off some poetic lines. And there he was, unnoticed by the girl on the other side, as he sipped coffee he just made, a pen on the other hand as his eyes skimmed the sight. Alex's eyes were half-closed, but even there, he could see how her eyes were of different shades. He loved how her hair was tousled, and messy in the morning. He wore an oversized pink sweater with a Scooby Doo print over it, making himself some coffee as he yawned.

She was more of what
everybody could see,
The glint of perfection
displayed for everybody.
She wasn't vain,
nor was she a lady.
She was a human,
a human with utmost beauty.

Just like a bunch of needles being willed to a magnet, words of different lengths and meanings attacked Magnus' mind. He lips were curled at the side as he witnessed the peaceful sight of a winter morning during winter break, how Alex is still in a daze of sleepiness and morning hatred. She was still muttering things, yet Magnus couldn't hear. But he loved (although he doesn't really admit it to himself) how he could make up so many endearing phrases that was inspired mostly of Alex Fierro's morning routines.

Which dawned on Magnus that he was being a creep. He almost spewed out his coffee, but the sight of Alex almost dropping her mug of coffee alarmed him, he opened the kitchen windows wide and he called, "Hey, Fierro! Your mug's dropping!" He said, but the aforementioned girl did nothing, just sat there, with a mug almost swaying down on the floor.

"Alex, hey!" He shouted, but nothing happened. The girl was motionless and in a daze while a mug of coffee was falling from her grasp.


"Green-hair! Hey! You!"

"Hey Ale—" it was not long when a mug of coffee flew to his windowsill, he heard the cracking of the ceramic as he looked back to the girl who threw it.

"What the fuck, Alex Fierro?!"

"Yeah, Magnus Chase. I heard you the first time!"

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