twenty 🐍☀️

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Alex was painting a pot she had made, her fingertips were dirtied with paint. But her smile was fixed in her face as she remembered what had happened the day before. The thought of Magnus being flustered and blushing like a mess made Alex smile in the greatest ways—the way his gray eyes avoided her own heterochromatic ones. It was an action that had Alex laughing and loving at the same time.

"Alex!" She heard Magnus' call from his kitchen window adjacent to hers. She put down the paint pallet and hurried to the kitchen, not caring if she had paint splattered across her cheeks and her fingertips. She just labeled those kind of flaws and bedraggled features as something that made her feel like herself—an artist striving to make her own works, who wants to create and feature herself in art in a way people would condemn to be something inspiring.

A smile creeped it's way to her lips when she saw Magnus' hair in a bun and a mug of coffee in his hand while he was just sitting down on his chair, there was a notebook on his table and a pencil on his free hand. He wore pajamas, must've just gotten out from bed, Alex had thought, and stifled a giggle. In the sight of the familiar green hair and heterochromatic eyes, Magnus smiled.

He was happy seeing her again, and have that sense of peace and satisfaction that this was real. Alex was really there, and what happened yesterday—the coffee, the words, the kisses, the laughter and the overall joy. It seemed to have sent Magnus' veins a strangled disarray of jolts and electricity—he was zealous of the fact that Alex had liked him the way he did, and he didn't need Alex to say it to him, the kiss had contained more explanations that words would've.

"Good morning, sleepy head." Alex said as she scurried to the sink and washed her hands, clearing off the paint there. She took out a thermos and poured in a mug some leftover coffee from last night, and she sat down by the window, adjacent to Magnus'. And she relaxed, these days were her favorite days.

It just seemed like the rightest thing. Seeing Magnus first thing in the morning while chatting and having coffee and just relishing in each other' presence. That was better than anything.

Their relationship status remained the same, all they knew is that they liked each other. And really, Magnus didn't care about that. All he wanted was for Alex to never leave him, never break the connection between them and just be free to like her without her drifting away—but he got something better. Alex Fierro liked Magnus, loved, you can also say. She loved his stormy eyes, that shadowed so much emotions, his golden blond hair, his silly smile and sassy personality, his poetic side that got her on the edge—even his awkwardness and occasional stupidity. Same as Magnus loved all of Alex. He loved her heterochromatic eyes that seemed to echo diversity and fluidity, he loved how she accepts her true self and—much more, he loved how he didn't care about that.

People, transphobic people to be specific, aren't really fond of transgenders and having a relationship with them, much more being both genders. And Magnus wasn't that kind of person. Really, why would he care if Alex was a boy and a girl—sometimes neither or both, what was wrong with loving someone as precious as Alex Fierro? Magnus accepted her for what she was, accepted her mistakes, her choices and thoughts. Magnus loved all of those along with all of Alex's good traits.

And Alex loved this kind of relationship with Magnus, was it a relationship? No, it was something that dominated a relationship. There was no word to describe what they were, or who they wanted to be together. All they knew was that they had plenty of time to get to know each other, to testify their feelings and strengthen them. They didn't need to rush all of what they were, they didn't need to speed up what they had just so they can come up with a label. All they knew was that they had this strong connection, a strong mutual attraction with each other that somehow—that was better than any relationship.

"Why are you up so early?" Magnus said as he raised his eyebrows, a pair of glasses laid down on one side of the table, probably his. Alex tilted her head as she sipped down her coffee.

"I did some painting." She said and shrugged. Magnus laughed and reached out across the window to cup her cheek and wipe off a splatter of paint. Alex may or may not have blushed, and she wouldn't tell if she did or did not.

"You up painting me again?" Magnus asked playfully.

"You up making poems of me again?" She said back as she pointed to the notebook on Magnus' table. Magnus hurriedly closed the pages and looked fake-offendedly at Alex.

"Not everything I write is about you!" He said as Alex only laughed and snatched the notebook from him. "Oh, really now?" She said and started reading the words scribbled down the pages.


There was that glint of her eyes,
That reminded me of city crimes,
An impending issue of diversity and signs,
Reprimanding the world of naughty lies.

Every time I looked through the pair of heterochromatin,
It was as if I had submerged through sin,
A gleam and speck of crystalline,
And a prospect of light that threatened to dim.

How her hair had the color of mischief,
A tint of pleasure and zeal,
She stole my heart better than a thief,
She made me confused of how I feel.

The gentle kisses that made electricity run up my spine,
I can't believe those lips are mine.
And when I touch her, how my hand recognize the skin,
I knew that familiarity, and I knew that feeling.

And for every time I looked at her face that bore gentle lines,
It was as if I was pulled back into a void of traveling time,
And to seek the face of that I have seen thousands of times before,
I would always recognize the familiarity of the same girl that made my heart sore.

She waisted no time as she pulled by the collar of Magnus sweater and kissed him in the lips. They have been in the middle of the building, with their torsos extending just the right amount to make a quick kiss. An explosion of surprised dipped in Magnus' eyes, and yet he closed them—for Magnus didn't care if he couldn't see, what was better was that he could feel. The way her kisses sent electricity through his spine and back to his lips, the sudden beating of his heart being raced to speed inside his chest. He loved feeling it, he loved that sense of love that drifted across their features, and danced in their lips.

And Magnus had loved all of this. The familiarity was uncanny, and yet he found out what that was about. It wasn't the only fact that Alex had reminded him of his mom, but it was that sense of familiarity that he had recognized the way he felt before. It wasn't the similarity of his mother, nor the feeling of hiking in the summer air being alike to the feeling of being with Alex—it was that, it didn't matter what time they were living in, what generation or millennium—Magnus would always recognize that feeling, the familiarity—for he would always recognize the face, the feature, the same equal touch of the love of his life.

Their story isn't over yet, but this is where I'd end this. They didn't need to be in a relationship to make this a happy ending, all it took was a kiss, and a smile after retracting back—and all just seemed perfect, for Magnus that is.



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