eight 🐍

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Alex face-palmed. She didn't know what gone over her and invited Magnus for some movie marathon. She had no idea why the heck she even downloaded some movies and had nobody to watch it with, then thought about her neighbor who—in a matter of fact—makes her feel giddy all over her body. She hated how much she feels about this boy, but yet again she loved it.

She quickly swallowed all the coffee, and threw the mug in the sink (thank gods it didn't break) and ran towards her room. She quickly washed her face and brushed her teeth and made her hair look all good and messy in her way. She then thought it looked weird then brushed it and cussed at it. "Fuck! How do I even do this?!" She asked herself as she brushed it to one side and got hairpins to keep her bangs intact. "Aha! Yes!"

In a matter of seconds, she ran to her cozy, yet walk-in closet and rambled on about finding something to wear. She rummaged for hoodies, and sweaters, all in a cluster of pink and green. She ran to one side and picked up some socks, it was cold and she knew it'll look cute. She decided she'll just, you know, rock her own style. Apparently, her own style was (in her opinion) not Magnus' definition of cute. Yeah, she was that conscious about how the blond would look at her, and sometimes she wants to slap him for keeping a straight face one time, then blushing hard or fidgeting. Why does he do that?!

She finally settled with a hoodie similar to what she wore earlier, but this time it was all cozy and in mint green. Her shorts were cotton and were in the color of pastel pink. She sported her socks that were plain green. And just in matter of minutes—she heard the doorbell ring.

"Hey!" Magnus said abruptly, alarming Alex. The boy was buried in an olive green scarf while his black sweater was too large on him, and—wow—he didn't bother to change from his cotton pajama pants in checkered red and green. Alex snorted, finding the boy cute in his baggy, yet cozy get-up. "Why are you laughing?"

"You look adorable!" Alex said, not really caring why she said that. It just came out, what was she supposed to do? Magnus buried his head more into his scarf, just like how a turtle would do. Alex didn't say, but she noticed a blush creep on the blond's cheeks.

"Well, are you gonna let me in, now?" The blond asked and Alex nodded and let the boy in. (Which she regretted in a matter of minutes when they reached the living room and Magnus saw the portrait of him smiling.)


"Not a word."

"That's me—"

"Shun, Maggie." Alex made delirious efforts to make the blond shut up and not talk about what he saw. But Alex know he'll question her later on about that. She did her best to settle the blush that stroked her cheeks and thought of many excuses to make herself look less of a creep to Magnus.

"Why do you have a painting of me?" He asked finally as he sat down and took off his scarf, causing his chin-length blond hair to fall gently and frame his face beautifully, as Alex would say so for herself.

Alex's mind raised as she thought of anything—anything that would make her escape from the embarrassment. Fuck, why did I let that sit there? She finally thought of a worthy excuse. "A friend made me paint that." She said, "I think she likes you. I'm dropping that off to, err, her house soon." Then she mentally slapped herself, scolding. Fuck you, Alex. Just, fuck, you. She then turned towards the kitchen. "Uh, I'm just going to make us some hot chocolate and sweets! Be right back!"

With a dash of adrenaline, she raced to the kitchen while Magnus took in the sight of her living room—or more like art room, but either way, it was acceptable for a decent room to watch a movie in. One part of the room was trashed (in a good and artistic way, if Magnus says so himself) with palettes, paintbrushes and canvas. There was also a shelf filled with pots, and there was a potter's wheel with a finished vase.

Meanwhile, Alex was in her kitchen. Her thoughts were all jumbled up as she tried figuring her way out of such awkwardness. Throwing that thought aside, she brought down two mugs of hot chocolate on a tray and popped on a bowl of marshmallows and cookies—ordered them at the café right across the street, wouldn't want to mess this up now would she? She indiscreetly smiled at how she thought about all this.

      She didn't mention, but inviting Magnus Chase to watch a movie with her wasn't quite something she would do. But then again, it was quite boring and she wanted to take the opportunity to take a big risk and get to know the guy. She then tried and hurried all her anxiety or preferably throw it across the windows, and she walked back to Magnus in the living room—who was now in front of the portrait of him smiling. Alex blushed, she would probably blame it on the cold later on, but she gathered courage and brought down the tray of sweets to the coffee table and stood next to Magnus.

     "Gorgeous, aren't I?" The blond bluffed, causing Alex to roll her eyes and scoff. She crossed her arms over her chest as she felt the awkwardness go down, and their playful, teasing atmosphere came back.

      "But I did quite a good job squeezing a smile out of you, haven't I?" She said as she pointed to the portrait. "You don't always smile, Maggie. This girl, your admirer, err." She fidgeted with the end of her sweater. "She wanted to see that smile more, badly." Magnus then scoff.

       "Tell her I'm quite struggling on that." He said and Alex just rolled her eyes playfully with an exasperated sigh. She still thought about it and one thing crossed her mind. I'm gonna make this dude smile more. "Let's get into the movie, shall we?"

     "Yeah, by the way, I fancy horror movies."

      Magnus gulped and stared at Alex with an uninterested, yet fearful glaze. "No."

      Alex smirked, "Oh, yes."

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